23 Key Issues in Bury PDF 449 KB
Will Blandamer introduced the item, noting that the issues raised in the paper were reflected in this meeting’s agenda. He highlighted the 6-monthly review meeting from DfE taking place on 19th July regarding safeguarding arrangements, and it was noted that the review team will be meeting with key partners to the multiagency partnership arrangements in the borough including the Safeguarding Executive, Education leads, police, Independent Chair of Safeguarding Board, and health partners.
The Locality Board
Received the update.
5 Key Issues in Bury PDF 642 KB
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Ms Lynne Ridsdale introduced her item which covered a wide range of updates but could be characterised into two main themes: that of staffing and workforce, and planning and performance. She advised that the ICS consultation had now closed and implementation would now take place, thanking Will Blandamer for his support to the NHS GM (Bury) team during this challenging time. She also congratulated Joanna Fawcus on her appointment as Chief Operating Officer of Bury Care Organisation in the NCA.
Ms Ridsdale advised of updates locally and across GM and welcomed Warren Heppolette’s later item on the Joint Forward Plan. She reported that GM was now classified as a Tier 1 area for its Urgent Care Performance, based on indicators such as A&E waits and ambulance response times. This also meant we would be offered the highest level of support, advice, and guidance.
Locally there was strong performance across our programmes of work and progress with strategy translating to operational proposals. The IDCB was leading on work to identify two or three key priorities for each of the 11 programmes of work, and Ms Ridsdale advised that the challenge remained for the Locality Board to strengthen the narrative around what its priorities are and where its focus could be of the most benefit.
Members discussed this challenge, noting the need for a shorter term roadmap aligned within a longer term system financial plan, and agreed quarterly reporting of progress alongside objectives and targets. Members spoke of the importance of workforce and for any priorities to be digestible and understandable at all levels of the system. Members noted the need for long term impact, not just the issues currently being faced, and agreed that the Board needed to retain a line of sight on the breadth of the health and care system in order to understand its interdependencies as well as clarifying its priority areas.
The Locality Board
Received the update.
6. Key Issues in Bury PDF 196 KB