26 Chief Officer Update Report PDF 216 KB
Chief Officer’s Update Report
Ms Wynne-Jones presented the item outlining progress made with the key programmes of work within the IDC. She advised that SROs were being brought together on 5 July to discuss priorities, facilitation of a single point of access across programmes, and reduction of duplication.
The Board noted the June programme highlights, including:
• The successful End of Life and Palliative Care summit held on the 28th June with all key partners and stakeholders regarding the refresh of the strategy and delivery plan;
• Improvement in performance trajectories in urgent and complex care;
• The GP membership engagement session held last week to consider ways in which primary care could operate more efficiently;
• A Workforce workshop was planned for the 6th July to agree priorities and work plans.
The Board discussed the risks noted in the report and, with regards to lack of adult ADHD and Autism service provision, it was noted that there was also an issue with CYP with large numbers of neurodevelopmental assessment request referrals for young people coming into CAMHS. It was noted that a paper was coming to the IDCB Partnership Board to manage pathways.
The Locality Board
Noted the report.
6 Chief Officer Update Report PDF 349 KB
Mr Will Blandamer introduced this item on behalf of Kath Wynne Jones which provided an update on the development programme for the IDC and progress with the delivery of programmes across the Borough.
Mr Blandamer advised that work had continued to mobilise new arrangements for programme leadership with SRO’s and Clinical Leadership, and to identify capacity available to support the various programmes of change. At the IDC meeting in May, the Board received four deep dive presentations on the Mental Health Programme, the graduated approach in SEND, Urgent Care, and the Primary Care programme. Mr Blandamer also advised that an engagement event was scheduled for 21 June to support further connectivity and communication and ensure that programmes of change that meet local, GM and national requirements were being delivered in a coordinated way, reflective of national guidance.
Members noted the updated and congratulated the IDC on the breadth of work and positive outcomes.
The Locality Board
Received the update.
Chief Officer Update Report