Mr Will Blandamer presented the agenda item regarding the Bury Locality Finance, Performance and Outcomes Standards 2023/24 submission made to NHS Greater Manchester on the 19th May 2023. It was noted that these trajectories will be monitored on a monthly basis as part of the performance report received by the IDC Board, and they would receive in depth scrutiny through the following governance routes:
• Elective Care Programme Board: Outpatient Referrals;
• Urgent Care Programme Board: A&E Attendances, Non-Elective Admissions and No Criteria To Reside patients;
• Mental Health Programme Board: Mental Health Out of Area Placements and Clinically Ready for Discharge patients;
• Bury Locality Savings Group: QIPP.
Mr Blandamer advised that this was part of the NHS GM response to the PWC analysis, with each of the 10 localities invited to make submissions indicating targets on key metrics. The programme selected for Bury that are intended to contribute to the achievement of the overall targets are those which have seen good practice or a system-way of working and targets were considered achievable.
The Locality Board
Endorsed the submission made and supported the proposed approach to manage delivery.