30 Strategic Finance Group Update PDF 611 KB
Mr O’Hare presented a report on the challenging financial position, and advised that there was no additional funding expected as in previous years. SROs had been asked to highlight additional savings delivery and all partners were asked to highlight any further opportunities for efficiency savings.
The Board discussed the report, noting that clarity over priorities, architecture, and context put Bury in a strong position for partnership working and reduction of duplication, and it was noted that a survey on efficiency savings would be sent ahead of the next senate meeting and work was underway to quantify proposed efficiencies.
The Locality Board
Noted the report.
10 System Finance Group Update PDF 387 KB
Ms Sam Evans advised that this update provided the National and GM context, and locality focus would be given at the next meeting. This update set out the position both pre- and post-Covid and covered the changes to the funding regime during that time. It was noted that 22/23 outturn produced a balanced budget, but this left no flexibility for 23/24.
After multiple deficit positions submitted to NHS England which were not accepted, a further submission was made with a deficit of £45m, which was to be supported to deliver a break even position through retention of surge funding £19m and NHS England support £26m. This was deemed to be acceptable by NHS England but no guarantees were given on the retention of the £19m and £26m. Within this position there was an assumed savings delivery of £400m and a system risk of £115m, which has since increased to £130m due to a shortfall on inflation funding to be received and other risk mitigations.
Ms Evans advised that the delivery of this plan will be incredibly challenging, both in terms of financial delivery and concerns with regard to performance against other metrics, and to this end the CFO of NHS England plans to visit NHS GM organisations in June to understand these plans in greater detail and receive greater assurance on delivery.
The Locality Board
Considered the information within this paper, the level of savings required for NHS GM to deliver a break even position in 2023/24 and the risks to delivery and noted that a Bury locality position will be brought to the next meeting, encompassing NHS partners and the council.