Issue - meetings

System Assurance Committee

Meeting: 03/07/2023 - Locality Board (Item 31)

31 System Assurance Committee pdf icon PDF 310 KB


Ms Jackson highlighted the closure of twenty-one beds at Burrswood; this was being managed locally, but the Board noted the risks around nursing beds.


The Locality Board

Noted the report.

Meeting: 05/06/2023 - Locality Board (Item 11)

11 System Assurance Committee pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Ms Catherine Jackson provided at update form the most recent Partnership System Assurance Committee meeting, which had reported an increased performance for Learning Disability Annual Health Checks and options for future resilience utilising Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme

(ARRS) resources being pursued with Bury Primary Care Networks. Ms Jackson also advised of three awards to Persona, Gorsey Clough Nursing Home, and to Bury Council. With regards to the Greater Manchester Quality Strategy, it was noted this was still going through governance routes.


Members discussed health checks, noting that Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) waiting lists were back on target, while data on checks for over 40s was being verified and work to deliver checks outside primary care was in development.


The Locality Board

Received the update.