Issue - meetings

Bury Local Transport Strategy

Meeting: 01/11/2023 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 6.)

6. Bury Local Transport Strategy pdf icon PDF 687 KB

Report of the Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth is attached.

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Meeting: 05/10/2023 - Cabinet (Item 63)

63 Bury Local Transport Strategy pdf icon PDF 687 KB

Report of the Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth is attached.

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Councillor Eamonn O’Brien, Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth, presented the report which detailed the results of the draft Bury Local Transport Strategy consultation and sought approval for the final Strategy to be adopted and published to guide investment in transport improvements and future funding bids.


It was noted that the key issues were those of: poor quality of the existing network, which the GM Bee Network would address through better integration of bus systems with accountability to Local Authorities; safety and security for transport users, which would be taken into account when services and improvements were designed; and the tensions between car use and other modes of transport, with the Strategy supporting all modes of transport and ensuring residents had better choice for their journeys.


Members discussed the report, noting the discrepancies in London transport systems and their funding and that for Northern cities. It was noted that some journeys were necessary by car and that this Strategy was not oppositional to motorists. By giving better public transport alternatives residents would have greater choice and, by users using public transport when possible, congestion would reduce.




1.    Noted the key themes raised in response to the consultation on the draft Bury Local Transport Strategy;

2.    Accepted the post-consultation amendments;

3.    Approved the revised Bury Local Transport Strategy as the final version to be adopted and published to guide investment in transport improvements over the next 10-15 years, inform future funding bids and make the case for investment in transport infrastructure and services in Bury; and

4.    Noted the level of funding already secured or available to deliver elements of the Strategy up to March 2027.


Reasons for the decision:

The Bury Local Transport Strategy will guide investment in transport improvements over the next 10-15 years, inform future funding bids and make the case for investment in transport infrastructure and services in Bury.


Other options considered and rejected:

No other options were considered/were applicable.