Issue - meetings

Radcliffe arrangements - PRU

Meeting: 13/12/2023 - Cabinet (Item 95)

95 Relocation of Spring Lane School to the New Kershaw Centre pdf icon PDF 440 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People is attached.


Following consideration of previous Cabinet reports in relation to the development of the new Radcliffe Secondary School, the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and Young People presented a further report to update Members on the relocation of the Spring Lane School.


The Cabinet Member reported that a number of options were considered to accommodate the needs of Spring Lane School and the focus more recently has been on the use of Council owned premises.  This has resulted in the identification of the New Kershaw Centre (NKC) as a viable proposition.  The NKC currently accommodates a number of Children’s Services teams, including a number of social care services, a base for care leavers, and the youth service.


It is anticipated that existing services will be relocated on w/c 8th of January 2024, to other Council owned premises, with the majority of those services being accommodated in 6 Knowsley Place and the Town Hall.


The Leader detailed design work is on-going in respect of the necessary adaptations to the NKC and Park House to facilitate movement of the PRU early next year. This design activity is progressing alongside required planning/design of adaptations to 6 Knowsley Place and the Bury Town Hall to facilitate the move of staff from the Children and Young People’s directorate currently operating from NKC.


A high-level cost plan has been developed for delivery of the NKC/Park House project and this also includes provisional (estimated) sums for associated construction and design activity for adaptations to 6KP and the Bury Town Hall.  The cost plan will evolve as the design is developed.  At present the total cost of project activity is estimated at £1,758,000 which covers the initial phase of works. Further phases of work will be subject to a separate report.


The project will be overseen by BGI officers and will report to the Council’s Regeneration Board for project assurance/oversight.


Given the need to invest in this interim solution, and the inability to deliver the scheme at Spurr House on time, it is no longer proposed to proceed with the adaptations to Spurr House and this project is now closed. Instead, an options appraisal exercise will be commissioned through BGI, to consider the future accommodation needs of the Pupil Referral Unit, and how they might be met.


Before inviting questions from those present, the Leader apologised for the lateness of this report and also the home to school transport policy. 

Councillors Smith and Bernstein, raised concerns in relation to; preparedness, procurement, ability to secure labour and finance comments contained within the first iteration of the report shared with Members of the Cabinet.

Responding firstly, the Chief Executive Officer reported that, she can provide full assurance that the financing of this project has been considered at the Regeneration Board and is provided for in the Capital Programme. 

The Cabinet Member for Children and Young People acknowledged concerns that the Members have raised but she has full confidence that the Council can deliver on the programme as outlined  ...  view the full minutes text for item 95