Issue - meetings

Home to School and College Travel Arrangements Policy for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs, Disabilities or Mobility Difficulties

Meeting: 13/12/2023 - Cabinet (Item 97)

97 Home to school and college transport policy - Proposal to consult on changes to the policy pdf icon PDF 471 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People is attached.


The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and Young People presented a report to Cabinet which included a proposal to consult on changes to the home to school and college transport policy.


The policy was last subject to review in 2015, following the publication of the Children & Families Act 2014, which introduced significant reforms in respect of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. The DfE has recently published updated guidance in respect of transport and the Bury policy needs to be reviewed and refreshed to reflect this guidance.


Following an investigation into current arrangements by the Council is amending it’s policy to make clear that, where the Council decides transport is necessary to enable young adults with an EHC Plan to maintain their placement, they will not be charged, in line with the Council’s statutory duty.


A draft policy has been written that meets the Council’s statutory obligations.


Responding to a question from Councillor Bernstein, the Leader reported that the investigation referred to above, details of which and the implications for the Council will be shared with Members of Cabinet.





Notes the intention to co-produce a home to school transport policy for consideration for wider consultation and to receive a report in March 2024 with recommendations having regard to the outcome of the consultation.



Reasons for recommendation(s)

The proposed changes respond to revised guidance from the DfE in respect of home to school transport and also responds to complaints in respect of post 19 provision (adult learners).


Alternative options considered and rejected

The changes are required to ensure that the policy is reflects updated Government guidance and remains statutorily compliant.