Issue - meetings


Meeting: 12/12/2013 - Youth Cabinet (Item 3)


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Connolly will give a presentation at the meeting.


Councillor Connolly, the Leader of the Council and Steve Kenyon, Assistant Director of Finance attended the meeting to report on the Plan for Change consultation that was being carried out across the borough.


It was explained that the Plan for Change was the means by which the Council can continue to deliver its vision for the future.


It gave recognition that the funding received from central government was reducing along with a realisation that residents’ needs and expectations are changing and the Council and its partners will have to work differently in the future to deliver the best outcomes with the resources available to them.


The revised financial savings required for 2014/2015 had now been forecast as being £2.2m more than previously anticipated taking the figure from £7.432m to £9.7m.


Councillor Connolly explained that in order to meet these targets it was proposed that £2.145 would be saved on internal efficiencies and £75,000 by reducing payments to external organisations. The internal efficiencies were set out within the presentation and included; restructuring and not filling vacant posts, a reduction in grounds maintenance standards and better use of external funding.


It was explained that a consultation was currently being carried out on the draft savings programme and residents and stakeholders were being asked to take part in this up to the 17th January 2014. The results from the consultation will be fed into the budget setting process for 2014/2015 and this will be debated at the Council meeting in February.


It was also explained that it was too early to consider how the Council Tax would be affected as the final Government grant had not yet been announced.


It was also reported that there would be further challenges ahead with budget cuts of £16m for 2015/2016. The Council will then have to prioritise services taking account of its legal obligations and Plan for Change priorities. Cabinet Members have already been asked to look for options and consultation will be carried out on proposals as soon as possible.


Youth Cabinet Members were advised that they could comment on the consultation through various ways;


Online, e-mail, writing to the Town Hall or by telephone on 01612535696