Issue - meetings

Update on SEND Transformation Plans

Meeting: 07/03/2024 - Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

7 Update on SEND Transformation Plans pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Slides attached.


Michael Kemp, Strategic Lead provided an overview of the presentation provided within the agenda pack.


Key points raised were:


·         Development of the Education Health Care Team

·         Development of SEND support

·         Progress on school placements

·         Reaching out

·         Development of the 14-25 offer and Preparing for Adulthood


Members were invited to ask questions and the following was raised:


·         The joining up of the new assessments team and the review team – members were informed both teams have performance meetings with Michael Kemp which have shown performance has improved and they have a single team manager.

·         Redesigning of Local Offer – The offer has been redesigned but there are delays currently waiting for the IT system to upload it.

·         Autism and Dyslexia awareness – many schools wish to attend these sessions and officers are happy with uptake.

·         Graduated approach and early Intervention in lowering EHCP Plans – Members were informed that the approach is not to manage numbers, it is to match need at the right time at the right place.

·         Discussions took place regarding the establishment of new Schools and sufficiency.

·         Members sought assurance regarding the details of Resource Provision places

·         Discussions took place regarding the new Radcliffe School. Members were informed there is a plan for incremental growth which will increase capacity, an update to be provided to members at a suitable future date.


Councillor Farooq and Daniel Lewis, Youth Representative shared support to the SEN Circle of Influence Event that took place on Tuesday 27th February and the importance of a child and young person’s voice in the delivery of services.


It was agreed that:


1.    Helen Chadwick be provided with details of schools who have not progressed in the Resource Provision plan within Project Safety Valve.

2.    The report be noted.

Meeting: 16/01/2024 - Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee (Item 10.)

10. Update on SEND Transformation Plans pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Slides attached.