Issue - meetings

SEND Transport Update

Meeting: 17/04/2024 - Cabinet (Item 158)

158 Home to school travel assistance and transport policy pdf icon PDF 775 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People is attached.

Additional documents:


Councillor Lucy Smith, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, presented the report which sought the approval and adoption of a new policy of how the Council will meet its statutory duty to make necessary travel arrangements for all ‘eligible children and young people’. This policy had been co-produced with parents and had been subject to consultation with a range of stakeholders.


In response to Members’ questions, it was noted that the EHCP assessments would be carried out at the same time as transport assessments, therefore streamlining the process rather than creating additional appointments, and reflecting the feedback received from residents (a ‘tell us once’ approach’). With regards to regular reviews moving forwards, it was noted that relationships with parents had been strengthened through the co-production approach and officers would continue to build on these to ensure policies were up to date and appropriate, as part of the wider improvements to SEND governance.




1.    Noted the outcome of consultation on the draft home to school travel assistance and transport policy, and

2.    Approved the policy for implementation on the 1st June 2024.


Reasons for the decision:

The proposed changes respond to revised guidance from the DfE in respect of home to school transport, and reflect the outcome of engagement with parents, and consultation with wider stakeholders.


Other options considered and rejected:

Following an investigation by the Local Government Ombudsman, the existing policy was found not to be compliant in respect of the post-19 arrangements. The changes are required to ensure that the policy reflects updated Government guidance and is statutorily compliant.