Issue - meetings

Update on the ALPD (Accelerated Land and Property Disposals)

Meeting: 04/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 224)

Update on the ALPD (Accelerated Land and Property Disposals) - Part B

Report from Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth attached.




1.   Cabinet adds the property asset Spurr House, Pole Lane, Unsworth to the ALDP (refer to Part A paragraph 23)

2.   Cabinet notes the informal tender exercise.

3.   Cabinet approves the sale of Spurr House to the preferred bidder, namely Watson Land Ltd.

4.   Cabinet delegates the signing of all contracts required to complete the sale to the Director of Law and Democratic Services in consultation with the Executive Director (Place).


Reasons for recommendation(s)


The property asset is to be added to the ALPD after a Cabinet Report 13/12/2023 detailing the site is no longer required for the relocation of the PRU (see also Part A paragraph 25)


The property asset is empty, and the Council has ongoing holding costs. The sale of this property asset would reduce the ongoing holding costs, generate a capital receipt and bring forward the site for redevelopment.

Meeting: 04/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 215)

215 Update on the ALPD (Accelerated Land and Property Disposals) - Part A pdf icon PDF 436 KB

Report of the Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth attached.


Additional documents:



The Leader presented an update on the ALPD (Accelerated Land and Property Disposals) which has been in operation following Cabinet approval on 24th November 2020. This report provides a rationale as to why some sites are to be withdrawn, under review and to be added to the programme and outlines the Future Assets Programme (FAP) with regards to disposals.


The Council Monitoring Officer reported that following discussions with Group Leaders and ward Councillors, North Block will removed from the current report pending further consultation. 


With regards to the Leigh Lane site in Walshaw, the Leader reports that the Council have not moved away from potentially siting a school on this site.


With regards to greater promotion of community asset transfer, the Leader reported that community asset transfer should be part of that process and consideration.



1. Cabinet notes the progress of the ALPD to date.

2. Cabinet notes the Future Assets Programme and implications for disposal.

3. Cabinet approves the withdrawal of property assets for disposal set out in paragraph 20 below from the ALPD.

4. Cabinet approves the classification of property assets detailed at paragraph 21 below as surplus and to add to the ALPD property assets set out in Appendix 2.

5. Cabinet approves delegated authority to the Head of Land and Property to determine and agree terms for the sale of property assets in consultation with the s151 Officer, the Monitoring Officer, and the Exec Director (Place).

6. Cabinet approves the disposal of Spurr House, Pole, Unsworth.

7. Cabinet approves the establishment of the ATP (Asset Transformation Programme) to replace the ALPD.

8. Cabinet Notes the removal of North Block, Radcliffe from the proposed disposal sites, pending further consultation with Elected Members.