Issue - meetings

Permission to Tender - Radcliffe Enterprise Centre

Meeting: 05/06/2024 - Cabinet (Item 177)

177 Permission to Tender - Radcliffe Enterprise Centre pdf icon PDF 324 KB

Report of the Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth is attached.

Additional documents:


Councillor Eammon O’Brien, Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth presented the report regarding Radcliffe Enterprise Centre. The report sought permission to tender for a contractor to undertake the construction works required for the conversion of Radcliffe Library into an Enterprise Centre as part of the GM’s UKSPF (UK Shared Prosperity Fund) SME (Small and Medium Size Enterprises) Workspace Fund (E22).


Members discussed the report, in response to a members question regarding Radcliffe Library Cabinet was informed that the intention is to find a suitable option for Radcliffe Library. One of the options in modular, another is temporary relocation sites and some sites need to be looked at in more detail.


Paul Lakin, Executive Director of Place confirmed we have not yet found an ideal solution and units are being looked at. Members will continue to be regularly informed throughout the process through meetings with Councillors.


In response to a members question regarding another location (Bridge Community Church/Centre), user preferences and community engagement the Leader provided assurance that users and staff are being kept up to date as and when updates are available. The Leader advised he will seek if the Bridge Community Centre has been considered as a potential location.




1.    Approved the proposed route to tender for the construction of the Enterprise Centre via the North West Construction Hub (NWCH) framework.

2.    Noted that a further report will be brought back to the September Cabinet meeting to approve the appointment of the preferred contractor.


Reasons for decision(s):

This a UKSPF funded project and is subject to strict timescales for completion. The project is progressing through the RIBA Stages and is currently on track. However, a delay in appointment of a contractor could significantly impact on progress leading to a failure to complete on schedule, bringing financial and reputational risk to the Council.


Alternative options considered and rejected Classification:

1.   Delaying the decision to appoint a contractor has been discounted as this will significantly impact on the construction programme and risk non completion within the funding timescales.