Issue - meetings

Health and Safety Annual Report

Meeting: 04/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 212)

212 Health and Safety Annual Report pdf icon PDF 365 KB

Report from the Cabinet Member for Corporate Affairs and HR attached.

Additional documents:


Councillor Rafiq Cabinet Member for Corporate Affairs and HR presented an annual Health and Safety Report.


This report sets out key health and safety activity over the preceding financial year alongside a summary of reported health and safety incidents and is presented to members for their comment and approval.


As part of the annual reporting process the Council’s Health and Safety Policy is also reviewed and is also included for approval.


Additionally, in-line with the recommendations from an external review of Health and Safety arrangements conducted in 2023, the Council has developed a new 3-year Health and Safety Strategy which proposes a set of priorities for 2024-27 and is presented for approval.



Cabinet approves the 2023-24 Annual Health and Safety Report, revised Health and Safety Policy and Health and Safety Strategy for 2024-27.


Reasons for recommendation


To ensure continued compliance with health and safety legislation HSE best practice guidance and, ultimately, to support a safe working environment for staff and those who access Council services.