Issue - meetings

Neighbourhood Housing Support Services

Meeting: 04/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 225)

Neighbourhood Housing Support Services - Part B

Report of Deputy Leader, Cabinet Member for Adult Care, Health and Wellbeing / Cabinet Member for Housing Services attached.





1.   Cabinet awards Adullam Homes a 4-year contract for Supported Accommodation at £1,616,290.28

2.   Cabinet awards Calico Enterprise a 4-year contract for floating support at £2,221,080.72

3.   Cabinet approves the entering into of a 4-year arrangement (1st October 2024- 31st September 2028) for both services, including a 1-year extension- subject to performance and review.

4.   Cabinet delegates finalisation and sealing of these contracts including any clarifications to the Director of Law and Democratic Services in consultation with the Executive Director for Health and Care.


Reasons for recommendation(s)

· Refer to report- Part A Tender of Neighbourhood Housing Support Services and Supported Accommodation and Floating Support Services

Meeting: 04/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 216)

216 Neighbourhood Housing Support Services - Part A pdf icon PDF 692 KB

Report of Deputy Leader, Cabinet Member for Adult Care, Health and Wellbeing / Cabinet Member for Housing Services attached.


Councillor Tariq, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Care reported that following the Cabinet report on the 4th April 2024, approval was given to the Community Commissioning Division to engage in a tendering exercise for supported accommodation and floating support for people that require housing related support.


After review and procurement, this further report requests the approval for the division to award two contracts- 1) Supported Accommodation and 2) Floating Support, both within Neighbourhood Housing Support Services.


Neighbourhood Support Housing Services provide short term, outcome focused interventions to vulnerable adults. These services will support individuals to build resilience and independence, improve health and wellbeing, ensure stability of accommodation, maximise income and support meaningful and economic activity.


Councillor Bernstein commended the department in re-negotiating a contract with an identified 4.7% saving.




1.    Cabinet agrees to award Adullam Homes a 4-year contract for Supported Accommodation


2.    Cabinet agrees to award Calico Enterprise a 4-year contract for floating support


3.    Cabinet agrees to enter a 4-year arrangement (1st October 2024- 31stSeptember 2028) for both services, including a 1-year extension- subject to performance and review.


4.    Cabinet agrees to delegate finalisation and sealing of these contracts including any clarifications to the Director of Law and Democratic Services in consultation with the Executive Director for Health and Care.


Reasons for recommendation(s)


There has been a significant increase in the number of single people that require tenancy related services and households that require interventions to sustain their tenancies. Rough sleeping and single homelessness has increased locally, due to numerous factors.


There is a need for supported accommodation for single people and floating support for households to reflect rising homelessness in the borough, regionally and nationally. Services must be fit for purpose, to prevent people from failing in their tenancies and provide housing solutions that develop independent living skills and improve quality of life in the community.


A tendering exercise has been completed to reflect the award to Adullam Homes and Calico Enterprise, which delivers both quality and savings to the Council.