Issue - meetings

Housing Allocation Policy

Meeting: 04/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 214)

214 Housing Allocation Policy pdf icon PDF 457 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Housing Services attached.

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Councillor Cummins, Cabinet Member for Housing Services, presented the an update on the recently reviewed Housing Allocations Policy.  The Policy had been reviewed to reflect the changing legislation, aligned with guidance from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government on Social Housing Allocations and good practice sourced from the Housing Quality Network.


This work has been undertaken:

· To meet local needs for social housing.

· To maximise the use of Council Housing stock to meet increasing demands.

· To ensure that Council housing is allocated fairly and transparency to everyone with a Housing Need who meets eligibility criteria.

· To demonstrate the Council’s commitment to is role as Corporate Parent when supporting the housing needs of our Children and Care Leavers.


This work has been independently reviewed via a commissioned external provider and has been consulted on with stakeholders, tenants, housing providers and other residents of the Borough.


Members discussed the establishment of a Common Housing Register.  Phil Cole, Head of Service - Homelessness & Housing Options reported the establishment of the register will help to assist in allocating both Council and Housing Association properties as well as affordable homes. 




1. Cabinet approves the draft policy and commence formal consultation for a six week period.


2. Cabinet delegates authority to make any post-consultation amendments to the Cabinet Member for Housing in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance.


3. Cabinet commits to review the policy within 3 years.


4. Cabinet delegates minor legislative amendments to the Cabinet Member for Housing in consultation with the Director of Law & Governance.


5. Cabinet considered the implementation of a future common housing register for all registered housing providers that have stock within the Borough.


Reasons for recommendation(s)


The reasons for these recommendations are to ensure Bury has a policy that meets good practice and local demands and priorities. This Policy seeks to maximise the use of the Council’s housing stock to meet current challenges to help manage and sustain local communities. A Common housing register to access all social and affordable housing within the Borough would benefit all people on our housing register and attempt to meet increasing demands.