308 Carers Strategy and Commissioning Intentions PDF 627 KB
Report of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Care attached.
Additional documents:
Councillor T Tariq, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing presented the report which proposed the approval and implementation of the new Bury Adult Carers Strategy- 2025- 2029 and commissioning intentions, based on aspirations to improve the quality of life of unpaid carers in Bury.
· approved the implementation of the Adult Carers Strategy 2025-2029.
· approved a tendering exercise for a provider to deliver a service for unpaid carers across Bury.
· Approved that the new provider will enter a 4 year arrangement, including a 1 year extension subject to performance and review.
· Delegated authority to the Director of Adult Social Services and Community Commissioning for contract award and any future extensions relevant to this contract. (Within the specified Contract provision).
Reasons for recommendations:
· The previous Bury Carers Strategy 2021- 2024 is now out of date and requires updating to ensure that it is fit for purpose.
· To reflect the new commitments in the Strategy there is a need to refresh the current service specification delivered by commissioned provider
· Current contractual arrangements end on the 31st May 2025, therefore there is a need legally to procure for a new service.
· The Local Authority has a duty to provide care and support to those individuals assessed as needing this pursuant to assessments under Part 1 Care Act 2014. This includes under s 10 a duty to assess carers who may have needs for care and support and under s 20 a duty and in certain circumstances provide any assessed eligible care and support needs for carers.
Alternative options considered:
· Procurement rules do not allow any further extensions to previous contractual arrangements. Therefore, the only option is to engage in a procuring process