Issue - meetings

Tender award to various contractors to deliver the Capital Programme

Meeting: 04/12/2024 - Cabinet (Item 270)

270 Procurement and approval of various contracts for the Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 372 KB

Report from the ??Cabinet Member for Housing Services?.


The Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth presented the report on behalf of Councillor Cummins, Cabinet Member for Housing Services which sought formal approval of contract award recommendations following completion of the mini competition exercises and a direct award in the case of the Moorfield roofing project. All of these procurement activities have been carried out through Procure Plus frameworks, with the support of STAR and the councils procurement team. The Capital Programme was approved in July with various elements of works being identified, all approvals within this report formed part of the original programme.


Councillor Bernstein queried if similar projects in the past have been considered at Council or Cabinet meetings. In response Jacqui Dennis, Director of Law and Democratic Services confirmed that when the Housing stock was externalised there were different processes, this report aligns to Council governance.


Councillor Smith raised a query on keeping the Bury Pound within the Borough of Bury. The Leader assured members that the companies are local, in Westhoughton and Bolton but committed to picking up as a future matters arising the Business Growth and Infrastructure Team to produce an information document through a social value lens on local businesses who are on the framework.





Approved the award of the following contracts:

  1. Roofing Lot 1 - Successful contractor BAAS, contract value £1,572,227
  2. Roofing Lot 2 - Successful Contractor – WRPS, contract value £981,063
  3. Roofing Moorfield - Successful Contractor – WRPS, contract’s value £1,418,424 Energy Tender- Successful Contractor - Green Homes Grant, Installs contracts value £791,829.
  4. Noted that the Communal Works Lot 1 and Lot 2 will be considered at Cabinet on the 08th January 2025.


Alternative options considered and rejected:


  • Do nothing: Due to the nature of the works (compliance work as identified by the FRA reports), the works need to be completed to ensure Burys general needs stock is compliant with the current regulations.
  • Deliver Inhouse: The works were originally offered to the in house contractor but they were unable to deliver due to lack of capacity.
  • Open Tender: This option was considered and is possible, however this would involve significantly more time and costs in the procurement process as a whole and for no real benefit. The use of this framework is free and ensures that all suppliers have been evaluated and approved based on their capabilities, expertise, and compliance within required criteria along with pre-negotiated terms and conditions. Further competition exercise enabled the council to tailor the service requirements to the Council’s specific needs. There are little or no benefits to going out to open tender over using this framework and as a result this option was dismissed.