Issue - meetings

Revenues and Benefits Restructure

Meeting: 19/02/2025 - Council (Item 6e)

6e Restructure of the Revenues and Benefits Department –Approval of redundancy cost pdf icon PDF 401 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Corporate Affairs and HR.

Meeting: 12/02/2025 - Cabinet (Item 313)

313 Restructure of the Revenues and Benefits Department –Approval of redundancy cost pdf icon PDF 401 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Corporate Affairs and HR.


The Cabinet Member for Corporate Affairs and HR, Councillor T Rafiq, presented the report which sought support to request Council approval for three individuals whom expressed an interest in voluntary redundancy which totals more than £100,000. Therefore, in accordance with the requirement of section 38 of the Localism Act 2011 and associated statutory guidance as well as the Council’s Pay Policy statement, approval of these applications is a matter for Council.




·         Supports payment of the redundancy and capital costs associated with the aforementioned staff and commends this proposal to Council for their agreement. The wider, post consultation, proposal for implementation of the restructure have been subjected to approval by the Cabinet Member for HR and Corporate Affairs under their delegation.


Reasons for recommendations:


·         The offer of voluntary redundancy has been made in accordance with Council Policy.


Alternative options considered and rejected:


·         To refuse the three applications based on cost. The staff members could resign and claim constructive dismissal for breach of trust and confidence on the grounds that they had been deprived of a redundancy payment and the associated pension contributions.