Issue - meetings


Meeting: 03/04/2014 - Youth Cabinet (Item 4)


Group work – Tom will explain at the Meeting


Tom Sharman explained that the Circles of Influence event was held every year and brought young people together with representatives from different sectors, agencies and services to allow discussions on services for young people in Bury.


Those present were asked to split into groups and come up with ideas for discussions to be held at the event.


The following issues were suggested:-


Safety & Young People


·         Hate Crime

·         Psychological abuse

·         Bullying

·         Road safety

·         Safety in school – weapons etc

·         Homophobia/racism




·         Grading boundaries

·         Sex education and relationships

·         University fees

·         Timings of lessons at school – not enough time to each lunch

·         Abuse by teachers




·         Self harm

·         Mental Health

·         Eating disorders

·         Alcohol and drugs


Places to go


·         Lack of youth activities

·         Teenage friendly gyms




·         Changes to the Interchange drop off points – can no longer wait by the doors – have to stand at the end of the car park entrance.

·         Price of transport

·         Bus times – buses not sticking to them

·         Traffic


It was reported that the Circles of Influence would be taking place on Friday 27 June 9am to 3pm at Radcliffe Civic Suite. Invitations for youth representatives would be sent through all of the borough’s high schools.


It was agreed:


That the suggested topic areas would be incorporated into the day.