Issue - meetings

DRAFT Highway Asset Management Policy, DRAFT Strategy and DRAFT Communications Strategy - Including Implications for Department for Transport Funding

Meeting: 07/09/2016 - Cabinet (Item 218)

218 DRAFT Highway Asset Management Policy, DRAFT Strategy and DRAFT Communications Strategy - Including Implications for Department for Transport Funding pdf icon PDF 129 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member (Strategic Housing and Support Services and Cabinet Member (Environment) submitted a report presenting the draft Highway Asset Management Policy (HAMP), draft Highway Asset Management Strategy and the draft Communications Strategy for approval. The report sought approval to consult with all stakeholders before returning to Cabinet with a final set of documents for endorsement and adoption.


Delegated decisions:


1.   That the Highway Asset Management Principles, in line with the Department of Transport Self-Assessment Questionnaire, be endorsed.

2.   That the continuing efforts of officers to attain their ambition of asset management maturity commensurate with Band 3 status be supported.

3.  That the ambition to attain Band 3 status as quickly as possible and empower officers to utilise existing Local Highways Maintenance Capital Funding to secure this goal, where necessary via business case submissions to the Strategic Leadership Team for them to consider and approve, if deemed appropriate, be endorsed.

4.  That approval be given to the draft Highway Asset Management Policy.

5.  That approval be given to the draft Highway Asset Management Strategy.

6.  That approval be given to the draft Communications Strategy and officers be authorised to begin the consultation exercise.

7.  That approval be given to delegate authority to the Cabinet Member (Strategic Housing and Support Services) and Cabinet Member (Environment) to endorse future papers (generated from the Highway Asset Management Policy as an overarching document) or refer them to Cabinet.


Reason for the decision:

It is in the interests of the Council to have an approved Highway Asset Management Policy in place to signal its commitment to adopting the principles of asset management to so ensure that value for money is achieved with respect to highway maintenance and to avoid reduced incentive based Government Capital Allocations in the future.


Other options considered and rejected:

To reject or amend the recommendations.