Issue - meetings

10 Housing Unit Scheme - to follow

Meeting: 26/07/2017 - Cabinet (Item 112)

Approval of Matters to Enable Residential Development of a 10 Unit Apartment Scheme

Additional documents:


The Leader and Cabinet Member (Finance and Housing) submitted a report seeking authorisation and approval in order to deliver a residential scheme comprising of 10 apartments on land at Church Street West, Radcliffe.


Delegated decisions:


1.   That approval be given to delegate authority to the Interim Executive Director of Communities and Wellbeing and the Interim Executive Director of Resources and Regulation, in consultation with the Cabinet Member (Finance and Housing) to enter into a Development Agreement with the Development Company involved.

2.   That approval be given to spend £250,000 of accumulated Affordable Housing commuted sums (received in lieu of affordable housing provision on larger housing development sites) to part fund the scheme.

3.   That approval be given to the Council to apply to the Homes and Communities Agency to transfer £390,000 grant from Six Town Housing to the Council and approval for the Council to enter into an agreement with the Homes and Communities Agency, under Affordable Homes Programme 2015-2018 for this funding.

4.   That approval be given to capital of up to an estimated £673,690 to be funded through loan via HRA borrowing.


Reason for the decision:

The scheme will deal with a long standing empty building in private ownership bringing about significant positive regeneration outcomes in addition to housing outcomes and bring considerable government funding into the borough.


Other option considered and rejected:

To reject the recommendation.