Issue - meetings


Meeting: 13/02/2018 - Licensing and Safety Committee (Item 372)


A report by the Assistant Director (Localities) is attached.


Assistant Director (Localities) submitted a report advising Members on operational issues within the Licensing Service.


                   The report set out updates in respect of the following issues:


·         Pre-application assessments are continuing to be undertaken by the adult learning team.  From 8 December 2017 until 19 January 2018 there have been 16 assessments carried out, of which 13 passed, 3 failed and none failed to attend.


·         In relation to the Taxi Liaison meeting which was held on 18 January 2018 with representatives from the Hackney and Private Hire trade, a representative from the Council’s Community Cohesion section attended to propose PREVENT training for all drivers which is part of the UK terrorism strategy to stop individuals becoming involved in extremist activity.  A copy of the minutes from the meeting would be circulated to members of the Licensing and Safety Panel.


As a result of questions by members of the Panel, the Licensing Unit Manager reported that:-


·         A Licensing Hearings Panel had been convened in relation to an application for a premises licence in respect of Polka, 20 Parkhills Road, Bury.  The previous licence holder had surrendered their licence. A transfer application had been made, but was refused by the Licensing Hearings Panel on a previous occasion. An application for a new premises licence had therefore been made. Representations were received from Greater Manchester Police and the meeting was held on 7 February 2018, however, the Panel were not satisfied that documentation in respect of the application was acceptable and the application did not meet the Licensing Objectives and therefore the Licensing Hearings Panel refused the application.


·         The Chair of the Licensing and Safety Panel and the Licensing Unit Manager had attended a meeting in Dukinfield along with representatives from all the Greater Manchester Authorities’ Licensing Services.  The reason for this meeting and subsequent planned future meetings is the aim for consistency throughout all authorities in respect of all private and hackney carriage vehicles and licence holders, meeting the common minimum standard required.  This would include knowledge and pre-assessment tests etc. for drivers and the age, emissions, air quality etc. in relation to the vehicles.


It was intended that when a proposal had been finalised and agreed, there would be a three month consultation period after the election in May 2018 and then Transport for Greater Manchester would conduct a public consultation and finally one report would be sent to all AGMA Licensing and Safety Panels for agreement to adopt.


     It was agreed:


                   That the report be noted.