Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday, 17th December, 2014 6.00 pm

Please let us know if you are planning to attend and have any access requirements or other needs which we need to take account of.

Venue: Bury Town Hall

Contact: Andrew Woods  Democratic Services

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members of Cabinet are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any of the matters of the Agenda, and if so, to formally declare that interest.


Councillor Connolly declared a personal interest in any matters relating to the fact that his partner is employed by Adult Care Services.


Public Question Time

Questions are invited from members of the public present at the meeting about the work of the Council and the Council’s services.


Approximately 30 minutes will be set aside for Public Question Time, if required.



A period of thirty minutes was allocated for members of the public present at the meeting to ask questions about the work or performance of the Council or Council services.         


Topic: Radcliffe Swimming Pool

Question: Could you provide information on the proposals for a temporary pool and new build pool? Radcliffe swimming pool provides a place for people from across Bury to meet for fitness training purposes and to see friends socially. This has stopped since the closure of the pool building.

Response: The Radcliffe swimming pool building opened in 1968 and was closed a year ago due to storm damage, severe structural problems and the presence of asbestos. The Council has a proposal to provide Radcliffe with a temporary pool (25m x 8m) the structure will include a gym and changing facilities and Cabinet will be considering this tonight. People of all ages from across Bury and outside the borough used Radcliffe swimming pool (190,000 visits last year). The demand for a pool and gym facilities is such that it has created congestion at the Castle Leisure facility in Bury. If agreed by Cabinet it is proposed that work on the temporary pool and gym will start in January with the opening planned for April 2015. The Council will look towards providing a new build leisure facility for Radcliffe, although a timescale to achieve this has not been set.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 51 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 26 November 2014.


Delegated decision:


That the minutes of the meeting held on 26 November 2014 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.


Devolution and Greater Manchester - Implications for Bury pdf icon PDF 103 KB


The Leader of the Council submitted a report setting out the implications for Bury Council following the Agreement with Government to devolve functional and fiscal responsibilities, alongside a staged approach to Greater Manchester governance arrangements. The report outlined the importance of the emerging devolution deal and how it supports:

·         Bury priorities and its role in shaping Greater Manchester priorities;

·         The proposed Governance arrangements; and

·         The relationship between Bury, Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and a Greater Manchester Mayor.


The report had been previously considered and approved by Council on 10 December 2014.


Delegated decisions:


1.   That the principles which have guided Greater Manchester’s approach to devolution and governance changes be endorsed.


2.   That the Devolution Agreement be welcomed and the significant switch in powers and access to resources it represents, which will have a positive impact on those who live and work within Bury and Greater Manchester be noted.


3.   That the proposed changes in governance, including an Appointed Mayor as the eleventh Member of GMCA as a transition to a Directly Elected Mayor for Greater Manchester, be supported.


4.   That the balance between new powers to be vested in the GMCA, as well as new powers to be vested in a directly elected Mayor, who will be the Chair of the GMCA and accountable to the Cabinet and Leaders in the exercise of those powers; and the Mayor and the Cabinet being the subject of scrutiny by the GMCA pool be noted.


5.   That it be agreed that the proposed governance arrangements reflect the circumstances within Greater Manchester, which has a long track record of collaboration amongst the local authorities and with business.


6.   That Government and the range of local stakeholders be reminded that Bury and Greater Manchester will remain fully committed to greater fiscal devolution and to working with other UK City Regions and London, in particular, to make the case for this in the coming months.


7.   That the GMCA be recommended to conclude the statutory review of Governance arrangements as soon as possible, to enable a final scheme to be submitted to the Secretary of State as a pre-requisite to the changes being made to the Statutory Orders to give effect to the transitional arrangements.




8.   That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council to:

-      Respond formally to the GMCA consultation on devolution in the terms set out in the report submitted;

-      Finalise on behalf of Bury Council, the Council’s response to the final terms of the Governance arrangements including the terms of the Statutory Order.


Reasons for the decision:

The decision is in response to the recent Agreement with Government to devolve functional and fiscal responsibilities, alongside a staged approach to Greater Manchester governance arrangements.


Other options considered and rejected:

To reject or amend the proposals.


Approval of New Tenancy Agreement pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Additional documents:


The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member (Health and Wellbeing) submitted a report seeking approval to a New Tenancy Agreement. A review of the existing tenancy agreement was held to take into account changes in national legislation and local policies. In addition extensive consultation has already taken place regarding the proposed key changes involving Councillors, tenants, residents and officers from the Council, Six Town Housing and Springs Tenant Management Organisation.


Delegated decision:


1.   That approval be given to commence the statutory consultation on the new draft Tenancy Agreement, with approval for any changes arising from the consultation to be delegated to the Executive Director for Communities and Wellbeing.


2.   That the New Tenancy Agreement be implemented from 1 April 2015.


Reason for the decision:

The last review of the Council’s tenancy agreement took place in 2009. It is good practice for a review to take place to ensure that the agreement is ‘fit for purpose’. To take into account changes in legislation since the last agreement.


Other option considered and rejected:

Do nothing. This would result in the Council continuing to use the current version of the tenancy agreement. However, this document has been found to be not ‘fit for purpose’ in light of recent legislative changes and examples of good practice.


Minutes Of Association Of Greater Manchester Authorities / Greater Manchester Combined Authority pdf icon PDF 41 KB

To consider the minutes of meetings of the AGMA Executive Board and Greater Manchester Combined Authority held on 28 November 2014.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the minutes of the AGMA Executive Board and Greater Manchester Combined Authority meetings both held on 28 November 2014.




That the minutes of the meetings of the AGMA Executive Board and Greater Manchester Combined Authority held on 28 November 2014 be noted.       


Exclusion of Press and Public

To consider passing the appropriate resolution under Section 100 (A)(4), Schedule 12(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the reason that the following business involves the disclosure of exempt information as detailed against the item.


That in accordance with Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business as they involve the likely disclosure of information as detailed in the conditions of category 3 and category 9.


Demolition of Former Greater Manchester Police HQ Building, Irwell Street, Bury


The Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member (Resource and Regulation) submitted a report relating to tenders received for the demolition of the former GM Headquarters at Irwell Street, Bury.


Delegated decisions:


That approval be given to accept the lowest tender submitted.


Reason for the decision:

Demolition will increase the value of the site and make it more attractive for commercial development.


Other option considered and rejected:

To reject the recommendation.


Radcliffe Temporary Swimming Pool and Gym


The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing submitted a report detailing the structural damage to the Radcliffe Pool and Fitness Centre and the work needed to improve it. The report also proposed the construction of a temporary pool and gym on the site of the former Radcliffe Riverside School.


Delegated decisions:


1.   That approval be given to the construction of a 25m x 8m temporary pool, including housing structure and associated changing, at the former Radcliffe Riverside Schools site.




2.   That approval be given to the temporary relocation of the equipped gym from the facility in the centre of Radcliffe to the construction site at the former Radcliffe Riverside site.


3.    That approval be given to the further investigation into the development of a new permanent Radcliffe Pool and Fitness Centre on its existing site.


4.   That approval be given to fund the construction of the pool and further building works associated with configuring the existing structures. Consideration will be given to replenishing reserves from any capital receipts arising as part of wider development proposals, subject to any restrictions that may apply.


Reason for the decision:

This provides a good quality temporary solution for maintaining swimming and leisure provision as well as maintaining health outcomes from physical activity.


Other option considered and rejected:

Do nothing. This would result in Radcliffe remaining without a main swimming pool until a permanent solution can be found. Financial income targets would not be achieved and the structural stability of the existing Radcliffe pool would remain an ongoing issue.