Venue: Bury Town Hall
Contact: Chloe Ashworth Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Members of Cabinet are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any of the matters of the Agenda and, if so, to formally declare that interest. Minutes: Councillor Tariq declared a personal interest in respect of agenda item 10 as the ward Councillor.
Councillor Rafiq declared a personal interest in respect of agenda item 9 as the ward Councillor. |
Public Question Time Questions are invited from members of the public about the work of the Cabinet.
Notice of any question must be given to Democratic Services by midday on Monday, 02nd September. Approximately 30 minutes will be set aside for Public Question Time, if required. Minutes: Faye Nortly attended the meeting to raise concerns with regards to the Objections to the proposed disposal of Public Open Space, Land off Manchester Road/Radcliffe Road, Bury. Particular concern was raised in relation to the loss of green spaces and recreational facilities in a densely populated and deprived area. Has the Council undertaken any due diligence?
Responding, Councillor O’Brien reported, that the green spaces audit does state an overall deficit, in Bury Eas,t this deficit is in natural and semi natural green spaces. However with regards to outdoor sports/parks and green spaces this accounts for 18 and 16hectres respectively. The Leader reported that the Council are looking actively at spaces in Redvales and Bury East to add more playing/recreational capacity.
The Head of Land and Property reported that disposal will be subject to a further Cabinet report and any impact on the playing pitches will be addressed when an application is made for planning permission. With regards to the football pitches, the Council as a whole are looking, to move away from lease arrangements to self-management arrangements to allow sports club to bid for Sport England funding.
Report of the Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth attached. Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to the published agenda the Chair, Councillor O’Brien agreed that this item would be considered first.
Councillor O’Brien reported that the report provides details of the objections received to the proposed disposal of Public Open Space (POS) of land off Manchester Road/Radcliffe Road, Bury, details of the areas affected were in the accompanying report.
Members discussed the disposal, the requirement to make land available for a new specialist educational provision, and the use of the land currently for recreational activities. Councillor Tariq, speaking as the ward Councillor, stated that he recognised the difficulties in balancing competing priorities. However he asked Officers to consider approaching the Department for Education to make them aware of the strong local opposition.
Cabinet considered the responses received to the consultation and resolve to proceed with the disposal of the POS as shown edged red in Appendix 1, in the accompanying report.
Reasons for recommendations
The approval of the disposal of the POS will make the land available for the Council to dispose of for a new specialist education provision. |
Member Question Time Questions are invited from Elected Members about items on the Cabinet agenda. 15 minutes will be set aside for Member Question Time, if required.
Notice of any Member question must be given to the Monitoring Officer by midday Friday 30th August. Minutes: There were no Member questions.
Minutes from the meeting held on 16th July 2024 are attached. Minutes: It was agreed:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 16th July be approved as a correct record. |
Health and Safety Annual Report Report from the Cabinet Member for Corporate Affairs and HR attached. Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Rafiq Cabinet Member for Corporate Affairs and HR presented an annual Health and Safety Report.
This report sets out key health and safety activity over the preceding financial year alongside a summary of reported health and safety incidents and is presented to members for their comment and approval.
As part of the annual reporting process the Council’s Health and Safety Policy is also reviewed and is also included for approval.
Additionally, in-line with the recommendations from an external review of Health and Safety arrangements conducted in 2023, the Council has developed a new 3-year Health and Safety Strategy which proposes a set of priorities for 2024-27 and is presented for approval.
- Cabinet approves the 2023-24 Annual Health and Safety Report, revised Health and Safety Policy and Health and Safety Strategy for 2024-27.
Reasons for recommendation
To ensure continued compliance with health and safety legislation HSE best practice guidance and, ultimately, to support a safe working environment for staff and those who access Council services. |
Adult Social Care Performance Quarter One Report 2024/25 Report of the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing attached. Minutes: Councillor Tariq, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing presented the Quarter 1 Report for 2024-25. The report outlines delivery of the Adult Social Care Strategic Plan, preparation for the new CQC Assessment regime for local authorities and provides an illustration and report on the department's performance framework.
Councillor Bernstein welcomed the report and the opportunity to meet with Adrian Crook, Director of Community Commissioning to discuss the report’s content ahead of the meeting but did raise concerns with regards to data recording. Responding the Director of Community Commissioning reported that that systems have been put in place to monitor data recording and the information is rigorously monitored and if necessary investigated.
Cabinet notes the report.
Housing Allocation Policy Report of the Cabinet Member for Housing Services attached. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Cummins, Cabinet Member for Housing Services, presented the an update on the recently reviewed Housing Allocations Policy. The Policy had been reviewed to reflect the changing legislation, aligned with guidance from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government on Social Housing Allocations and good practice sourced from the Housing Quality Network.
This work has been undertaken: · To meet local needs for social housing. · To maximise the use of Council Housing stock to meet increasing demands. · To ensure that Council housing is allocated fairly and transparency to everyone with a Housing Need who meets eligibility criteria. · To demonstrate the Council’s commitment to is role as Corporate Parent when supporting the housing needs of our Children and Care Leavers.
This work has been independently reviewed via a commissioned external provider and has been consulted on with stakeholders, tenants, housing providers and other residents of the Borough.
Members discussed the establishment of a Common Housing Register. Phil Cole, Head of Service - Homelessness & Housing Options reported the establishment of the register will help to assist in allocating both Council and Housing Association properties as well as affordable homes.
1. Cabinet approves the draft policy and commence formal consultation for a six week period.
2. Cabinet delegates authority to make any post-consultation amendments to the Cabinet Member for Housing in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance.
3. Cabinet commits to review the policy within 3 years.
4. Cabinet delegates minor legislative amendments to the Cabinet Member for Housing in consultation with the Director of Law & Governance.
5. Cabinet considered the implementation of a future common housing register for all registered housing providers that have stock within the Borough.
Reasons for recommendation(s)
The reasons for these recommendations are to ensure Bury has a policy that meets good practice and local demands and priorities. This Policy seeks to maximise the use of the Council’s housing stock to meet current challenges to help manage and sustain local communities. A Common housing register to access all social and affordable housing within the Borough would benefit all people on our housing register and attempt to meet increasing demands. |
Update on the ALPD (Accelerated Land and Property Disposals) - Part A Report of the Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth attached.
Additional documents: Minutes:
The Leader presented an update on the ALPD (Accelerated Land and Property Disposals) which has been in operation following Cabinet approval on 24th November 2020. This report provides a rationale as to why some sites are to be withdrawn, under review and to be added to the programme and outlines the Future Assets Programme (FAP) with regards to disposals.
The Council Monitoring Officer reported that following discussions with Group Leaders and ward Councillors, North Block will removed from the current report pending further consultation.
With regards to the Leigh Lane site in Walshaw, the Leader reports that the Council have not moved away from potentially siting a school on this site.
With regards to greater promotion of community asset transfer, the Leader reported that community asset transfer should be part of that process and consideration.
2. Cabinet notes the Future Assets Programme and implications for disposal. 3. Cabinet approves the withdrawal of property assets for disposal set out in paragraph 20 below from the ALPD. 4. Cabinet approves the classification of property assets detailed at paragraph 21 below as surplus and to add to the ALPD property assets set out in Appendix 2. 5. Cabinet approves delegated authority to the Head of Land and Property to determine and agree terms for the sale of property assets in consultation with the s151 Officer, the Monitoring Officer, and the Exec Director (Place). 6. Cabinet approves the disposal of Spurr House, Pole, Unsworth. 7. Cabinet approves the establishment of the ATP (Asset Transformation Programme) to replace the ALPD. 8. Cabinet Notes the removal of North Block, Radcliffe from the proposed disposal sites, pending further consultation with Elected Members.
Neighbourhood Housing Support Services - Part A Report of Deputy Leader, Cabinet Member for Adult Care, Health and Wellbeing / Cabinet Member for Housing Services attached. Minutes: Councillor Tariq, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Care reported that following the Cabinet report on the 4th April 2024, approval was given to the Community Commissioning Division to engage in a tendering exercise for supported accommodation and floating support for people that require housing related support.
After review and procurement, this further report requests the approval for the division to award two contracts- 1) Supported Accommodation and 2) Floating Support, both within Neighbourhood Housing Support Services.
Neighbourhood Support Housing Services provide short term, outcome focused interventions to vulnerable adults. These services will support individuals to build resilience and independence, improve health and wellbeing, ensure stability of accommodation, maximise income and support meaningful and economic activity.
Councillor Bernstein commended the department in re-negotiating a contract with an identified 4.7% saving.
1. Cabinet agrees to award Adullam Homes a 4-year contract for Supported Accommodation
2. Cabinet agrees to award Calico Enterprise a 4-year contract for floating support
3. Cabinet agrees to enter a 4-year arrangement (1st October 2024- 31stSeptember 2028) for both services, including a 1-year extension- subject to performance and review.
4. Cabinet agrees to delegate finalisation and sealing of these contracts including any clarifications to the Director of Law and Democratic Services in consultation with the Executive Director for Health and Care.
Reasons for recommendation(s)
There has been a significant increase in the number of single people that require tenancy related services and households that require interventions to sustain their tenancies. Rough sleeping and single homelessness has increased locally, due to numerous factors.
There is a need for supported accommodation for single people and floating support for households to reflect rising homelessness in the borough, regionally and nationally. Services must be fit for purpose, to prevent people from failing in their tenancies and provide housing solutions that develop independent living skills and improve quality of life in the community.
A tendering exercise has been completed to reflect the award to Adullam Homes and Calico Enterprise, which delivers both quality and savings to the Council.
Corporate Parenting - Annual Fostering Report Report of the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People attached. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Lucy Smith, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and Young People presented to Cabinet the Annual Fostering report.
Cabinet note the information provided within the annual report.
Reasons for recommendation
Requirement of the Fostering Regulations to note information within the report. |
Corporate Parenting Strategy Report of Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and Young People attached.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Lucy Smith, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and Young People presented to Cabinet the Corporate Parenting Strategy.
DECISION Cabinet approves the Bury Corporate Parenting Strategy 2024-2026.
Reasons for recommendation
Approval of this Strategy will ensure that the Council has a current strategy in place to influence partnership working and support improved outcomes for our children and young people. |
Bury Local Area SEND response to local area inspection Report from the Cabinet Member Children and Young People is attached. Minutes: Councillor Lucy Smith, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and Young People presented to Cabinet Bury Local Area SEND response to local area inspection. The Cabinet member reported between the 12th and 16th February, Bury’s local area SEND services were inspected by the Care Quality Commission and Ofsted.
The inspection team identified widespread, systemic failings in services and highlighted the challenge that we need to do more to improve the outcomes of children and young people with special educational needs. The inspection identifies 6 priority actions which Bury Council and NHS Greater Manchester ICB are jointly responsible for, along with 3 areas for improvement. As a result of the inspection outcome, the local authority will be issued with an Improvement Notice, and we will be subject to monitoring visits followed by a re-inspection in approximately 18 months.
Members discussed the difficulties in recruitment in Childrens Services. The Cabinet member reported that she remained confident that the Department will be able to recruit as well as providing the other identified support including training and improved communication with relevant stakeholders.
DECISION 1. Cabinet notes the findings of the local area inspection and the Priority Impact Plan.
2. Cabinet notes · A review is being conducted of Educational Psychology Services, and Cabinet will receive this update via a separate report. · A comprehensive and effective Outreach offer is being reviewed and codesigned, in accordance with current capacity to determine service delivery that is aligned with our strategic objectives, and which addresses our challenges. This service has recently been restructured and is considered sufficient at this time. · Further exploration of the Liquid Logic SEND Portal is required to establish functionality and efficiencies and consider how it can support our identified issues. Data cleansing is currently underway to migrate the information to the data system and the anticipated timeframe for completion is December 2024. · The SEND Assessment and Review Team comprises of staff with varying knowledge, experience and skills. There is a need for a core programme of training and development to support Continued Professional Development (CPD) and improve service delivery.
3. Cabinet approves the proposals in respect of the additional capacity required to deliver on the Local Area SEND Partnership Priority Impact Plan and Project Safety Valve (PSV) Agreement: a. Additional capacity in the SEND Service b. Designated Social Care Officer (DSCO) c. Training costs d. Project management
Reasons for recommendation(s)
· To ensure Cabinet Members are sighted on progress of SEND improvement activity following the local area inspection. · To ensure that the SEND Service can deliver on Local Area SEND Partnership Priority Impact Plan, PSV Action Plan and meet the expectations of DfE, Ofsted and CQC as part of their ongoing monitoring arrangements. · To ensure compliance with the Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment, in accordance with the Childrens & Families Act 2014, SEND Regulations 2014 and the SEND Code of Practice 2014.
Treasury Management Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Transformation attached. Minutes:
Councillor Thorpe, Cabinet Member for Finance and Transformation Presented the Treasury Management report.
The report outlines the financial position and provides an update on the following aspects of the Treasury Management function throughout 2023/24. • An economic update for 2023/24. • An update of the Council’s current treasury management position. • Council Borrowing. • Treasury Investment Activity. • Non-Treasury Investments. • Treasury Performance for 2023/24. • Treasury Management Prudential Indicators.
The Council is required by legislation to produce an annual Treasury Management review of activities and the actual prudential and treasury indicators for the year. This report meets both the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management (the Code) and the CIPFA Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities (the Prudential Code).
DECISION o 2023/24 Prudential and Treasury Indicators. o Treasury Management 2023/24 Outturn Report.
Reasons for recommendation(s)
It is a requirement of the CIPFA Code that the Council receives an annual Treasury Management Outturn Report. It should be noted that the Council met all its Prudential Indicators relating to Treasury Management in financial year 2023/24. |
For Information - Appointments Update Report from the Cabinet Member for Corporate Affairs and HR attached. |
To consider the minutes of meetings of the AGMA Executive Board and Greater Manchester Combined Authority held on 14th June 2024. Minutes: It was agreed:
That the minutes of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority meeting held on 14th June 2024 be noted. |
Exclusion of Press and Public To consider passing the appropriate resolution under Section 100 (A)(4), Schedule 12(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the reason that the following business involves the disclosure of exempt information as detailed against the item. Minutes: Decision: That the press and public be excluded from the meeting under Section 100 (A)(4), Schedule 12(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, for the reason that the following business involves the disclosure of exempt information as detailed against the item. |
Update on the ALPD (Accelerated Land and Property Disposals) - Part B Report from Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth attached.
Minutes: DECISION 1. Cabinet adds the property asset Spurr House, Pole Lane, Unsworth to the ALDP (refer to Part A paragraph 23) 2. Cabinet notes the informal tender exercise. 3. Cabinet approves the sale of Spurr House to the preferred bidder, namely Watson Land Ltd. 4. Cabinet delegates the signing of all contracts required to complete the sale to the Director of Law and Democratic Services in consultation with the Executive Director (Place).
Reasons for recommendation(s)
The property asset is to be added to the ALPD after a Cabinet Report 13/12/2023 detailing the site is no longer required for the relocation of the PRU (see also Part A paragraph 25)
The property asset is empty, and the Council has ongoing holding costs. The sale of this property asset would reduce the ongoing holding costs, generate a capital receipt and bring forward the site for redevelopment. |
Neighbourhood Housing Support Services - Part B Report of Deputy Leader, Cabinet Member for Adult Care, Health and Wellbeing / Cabinet Member for Housing Services attached.
Minutes: DECISION:
1. Cabinet awards Adullam Homes a 4-year contract for Supported Accommodation at £1,616,290.28 2. Cabinet awards Calico Enterprise a 4-year contract for floating support at £2,221,080.72 3. Cabinet approves the entering into of a 4-year arrangement (1st October 2024- 31st September 2028) for both services, including a 1-year extension- subject to performance and review. 4. Cabinet delegates finalisation and sealing of these contracts including any clarifications to the Director of Law and Democratic Services in consultation with the Executive Director for Health and Care.
Reasons for recommendation(s) · Refer to report- Part A Tender of Neighbourhood Housing Support Services and Supported Accommodation and Floating Support Services |