Venue: Peel Room, Bury Town Hall
Contact: Michael Cunliffe Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted by Councillor M Walsh. There was no substitute representative for Councillor Walsh.
Declarations of Interest Members of the Planning Control Committee are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any of the matters on the Agenda and, if so, to formally declare that interest. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made at the meeting. |
Minutes of the meeting held on the 9th July 2024 The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday the 9th July 2024 are attached. Minutes:
That the Minutes of the meeting held on the 9th July 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
PLANNING APPLICATIONS Reports attached. Additional documents:
Minutes: A report from the Head of Development Management was submitted in relation to applications for planning permission.
There was supplementary information to add in respect of application number 70449 and 70484.
The Committee heard representations from objectors, applicants and Ward Councillors in respect of applications submitted. This was limited to three minutes for the speaker.
Delegated decisions:
1. That the Committee be Minded to Approve the following application in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Development Manager in the report and any supplementary information submitted and subject to all other conditions included: -
Longfield Shopping Centre/Car Park, Fairfax Road Car Park and adjoining land at Bury New Road, Rectory Lane and Fairfax Road, Prestwich Hybrid Planning Application constituting EIA Development comprising: Full application for demolition of existing buildings/structures and erection of phased mixed use development including Community Hub with flexible uses of library, offices, medical/health services (Classes F1 (a-f), F2(b), E(c), E(e), E(g)) & retail uses (Classes E(a), E(b) F2(a)) & Sui Generis (hot food takeaway & bar), new Market Hall (Classes E(a), E(b) & Sui Generis (hot food takeaway and bar)), Commercial Building with flexible uses including retail, offices, gymnasium (Classes E(a), E(b), E(c), E(d), E(g), F2(a), Travel Hub with car parking & cycle parking (Sui Generis), public square & realm, associated landscaping, car parking provision, cycle storage & associated works; and,
Part Outline application (all matters reserved) - mixed use development of residential (Class C3), flexible commercial, business, service, local community & learning uses (Classes E, F) & Sui Generis (hot food takeaway & bar), engineering works to Rectory Lane, new public realm, associated landscaping, car parking provision, cycle storage & associated works
2. That the Committee be Minded to Approve the following application in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Development Manager in the report and any supplementary information submitted and subject to all other conditions included: -
Fairways Lodge Hotel, George Street, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 9WS Demolition of existing hotel building and erection of a block of 52 no. retirement living apartments including communal facilities, landscaping and car parking provision
DELEGATED DECISIONS A report from the Head of Development Management on all delegated planning decisions since the last meeting of the planning control committee is attached. Minutes:
Delegated decision:
That the report and appendices be noted.
A report from the Head of Development Management on all planning appeal decisions since the last meeting of the Planning Control Committee is attached. Minutes:
Delegated decision:
That the report and appendices be noted.
Urgent Business Any other business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair agrees may be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: |