Venue: Council Chamber, Bury Town Hall
Contact: Michael Cunliffe Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted by Councillors U Farooq and M Walsh. There were no substitute representatives.
Declarations of Interest Members of the Planning Control Committee are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any of the matters on the Agenda and, if so, to formally declare that interest. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest submitted.
Minutes of the meeting held on the 26th September 2024 The Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday the 26th September 2024 are attached. Minutes:
That the Minutes of the meeting held on the 26th September 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Planning Applications Reports attached. Additional documents:
Minutes: A report from the Head of Development Management was submitted in relation to applications for planning permission.
There was supplementary information to add in respect of application numbers 71251 and 70903.
The Committee heard representations from an applicant in respect of one of the applications submitted. This was limited to three minutes for the speaker.
Delegated decisions:
1. That the Committee Approve with Conditionsthe following application in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Development Manager in the report and any supplementary information submitted and subject to all other conditions included: -
Sheepgate Farm Cottage, Bradshaw Road, Walshaw, Tottington, Bury, BL8 3PL Two storey front extension; Render to front & side elevations
2. That the Committee Approve with Conditionsthe following application in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Development Manager in the report, any supplementary information submitted along with GMEU conditions and subject to all other conditions included: -
Land at Pyramid Park, Market Street, Bury, BL9 0BG Land remediation works, construction of vehicular access road and footway from Market Street with associated infrastructure and structural works
Delegated Decisions A report from the Head of Development Management on all delegated planning decisions since the last meeting of the planning control committee is attached. Minutes:
Delegated decision:
That the report and appendices be noted.
A report from the Head of Development Management on all planning appeal decisions since the last meeting of the Planning Control Committee is attached. Minutes:
Delegated decision:
That the report and appendices be noted.
Tree Preservation Order Confirmation A report from the Head of Development Management is attached detailing the issues relating upon the current temporary tree preservation order, Tree Preservation Order (No. 363) 2024 at land adjacent to St Paul’s Close, Radcliffe.
Minutes: A report from the Head of Development Management was submitted in relation to issues relating to the current temporary tree preservation order, Tree Preservation Order (No. 363) 2024 at land adjacent to St Paul’s Close, Radcliffe.
There was supplementary information to add which was circulated in respect of the agenda item.
The Committee heard representations from an objector in respect of the TPO. This was limited to three minutes for the speaker. </AI6><TRAILER_SECTION> Delegated decisions:
That the Committee Approved the current temporary preservation order issued on the trees within the curtilage of the site (as identified in Appendix 1 of the report) was confirmed so that the Order takes effect on a permanent basis:-
Urgent Business Any other business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair agrees may be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: |