Agenda and draft minutes

Human Resources and Appeals Panel - Wednesday, 18th March, 2015 11.30 am

Please let us know if you are planning to attend and have any access requirements or other needs which we need to take account of.

Venue: Lancashire Fusiliers' Room, Town Hall, Knowsley Street, Bury, BL9 0SW

Contact: Andrea Tomlinson  Democratic Services

No. Item



Members of Human Resources Committee are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any of the matters on the Agenda, and, if so, to formally declare that interest.


There were no declarations of interest declared at the meeting.



A report from the Leader of the Council is attached.

Appendix attached

Additional documents:


In line with Section 38 (1) of the Localism Act 2011 to produce a Pay Policy Statement, the Acting Assistant Director (Human Resources), Tracy Murphy presented a report from the Leader of the Council indentifying:


·         The methods by which salaries of all employees are determined;

·         The detail and level of remuneration  of the Council’s most senior staff, and;

·         The agreed decision making arrangements to ensure that the provisions set out within the statement are applied consistently throughout the Council.


Appended to the report was the Pay Policy Statement 2015 – 2016 which included:


·         The local authority’s policy on the level and elements of remuneration for each chief officer;

·         The local authority’s policy on the remuneration of its lowest paid employees;

·         The local The local authority’s policy on the relationship between the remuneration of its chief officers and other officers;

·         The local authority’s policy on other specific aspects of chief officers’ remuneration: remuneration on recruitment, increases and additions to remuneration, use of performance-related pay and bonuses, termination payments and transparency.


It was explained that the Pay Policy Statement would be presented to the Council at its meeting on 1 April 2015.


It was agreed:


That the Human Resources and Appeals Panel approve the Pay Policy Statement for 2015/2016.