Venue: Bury Town Hall
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any matters on the agenda and, if so, to formally declare that interest. Minutes: Councillor D Vernon declared personal interests in item 7, GM Police Representative Update, as a retired Police Officers with Greater Manchester Police.
Councillor Leach declared a personal interest in respect of item 5, Bury Let’s Do It, as an employee of an organisation referenced in the report. |
Public Question Time Minutes: No members of the public were present to ask questions under this item. |
Minutes of the last meeting, held on 10 February 2021, are attached. Minutes: It was agreed:
That the minutes of the last meeting, held on 10 February 2021, be approved as a correct record. |
Matters Arising Minutes: There were no matters arising from the minutes. |
BURY LET'S DO IT BASELINE PERFORMANCE REPORT AND CORPORATE PLAN QUARTER 3 DELIVERY UPDATE PDF 2 MB A report from Councillor Rafiq, Cabinet Member for Corporate Affairs and HR, is attached. Minutes: Councillor Rafiq, Cabinet Member for Corporate Affairs and HR, presented what was the first performance report against Bury Council and CCG integrated Corporate Plan. It detailed delivery against planned priorities for Quarter 3 of the 2020/21 Corporate Plan which was published in autumn 2020.
This report set out:
• A summary of the contribution of the Council and the CCG to Bury Strategy outcomes • An overview of delivery and key performance measures against each of the objectives of the corporate plan • Baseline data for future performance reporting across relevant internal Key performance indicators and the seven key outcomes of the Let’s do it! Strategy, which will be developed into an annual “State of the Borough” report for the Team Bury partnership
The report also included details of the performance management framework (PMF) which has been designed to support the monitoring of the delivery of Corporate Plan for Bury Council and Bury CCG.
Questions and comments were invited from Members of the Committee and the following issues were raised:
• In response to a question from Councillor Leach concerning life expectancy figures, Councillor Rafiq undertook to ensure that an answer relating to how the targets were arrived at would be provided.
• In response to questions concerning the content of the performance information, it was confirmed that the report contained a mix of outcome data from the Council and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
• In relation to questions about agile working, Councillor Rafiq explained that a policy was being developed for consultation with all staff across the Council. It is envisaged that a hybrid model of working would be most likely going forward.
It was agreed:
That the update be noted. |
REGENERATION BUDGET PLANS PDF 105 KB A report from the Leader of the Council is attached. Minutes: The Leader of the Council, submitted a report providing the Committee with an update on the key areas of regeneration activity that are being pursued for Bury, Radcliffe, Ramsbottom and Prestwich town centres. It was reported that Town
centres across the country have, for a number of years, been facing significant challenges that have eroded high street retailing and its role in underpinning the vitality and economic strength of town centres. The economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a significant intensification and acceleration of these challenges, and this is likely to have far-reaching consequences for the economies of all town centres. Plans are in progress to develop regeneration and redevelopment opportunities in the Borough’s key town centres to help address the key challenges they face. This will include explore ways in which these centres can appropriately adapt in a way that helps them continue to be key economic drivers for the Borough.
Questions and comments were invited from Members of the Committee and the following issues were raised:
• With regard to the issue of existing businesses, the Leader confirmed that all businesses would be engaged with to ensure they are part of the vision going forward
• Councillor Powell highlighted the issue of the risks of increased prudential long term borrowing in the current economic climate. The Leader explained that there was capacity to borrow but that all requests to borrow have to be underpinned by a strong business case and demonstrate best value.
• In response to a question concerning plans to develop the Longfield Suite and precinct in Prestwich, the Leader acknowledged the need for the public ‘buy in’ and confirmed that detailed engagement and consultation would be undertaken before plans reached the formal planning stage.
• In response to a question from Councillor Harris concerning the former fire station site, Paul Lakin explained that monies were spent to demolish the building to prepare the site for strategic disposal and make it more attractive to potential developers.
• Councillor Walker raised the issue of the Interchange and the need for improvement. The Leader confirmed that Transport for Greater Manchester were looking to take forward a business case for the necessary improvement works.
It was agreed:
The report be noted. |
GM POLICE INSPECTION - UPDATE (FOR INFORMATION) PDF 83 KB An update report is attached for information. Minutes: Further to Minute 08 of the meeting of this committee, held on 26 January a written update report was submitted for information from Councillor David Jones, the Council’s representative on the Greater Manchester Police, Crime, Fire and Rescue Panel.
It was agreed:
The report be noted. |
COVID RELATED GRANTS UPDATE PDF 627 KB A report from the Leader of the Council is attached. Minutes: The Committee received a report from the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance and Growth setting out the position in relation to grants received and how they have been utilised. It was reported that the position on grants is fast changing with new announcements being made in response to different stages of the pandemic.
It was agreed:
The report be noted. |
URGENT BUSINESS Any other business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair agrees may be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: VOTE OF THANKS
The Chair, Councillor Caserta, thanked and paid tribute to retiring Councillors, namely, Councillors Cummings, Stella Smith and Walker. |