Agenda and minutes

Bury West Township Forum - Thursday, 10th September, 2015 7.00 pm

Please let us know if you are planning to attend and have any access requirements or other needs which we need to take account of.

Venue: All Saints Church, Hebburn Drive, Bury

Contact: Andrea Tomlinson  Democratic Services

No. Item



Members of the Bury West Township Forum are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any of the matters on the agenda and, if so, to formally declare it.


There were no interests declared at the meeting




Further to Minute BWTF.202 - Funding Panel, of the Minutes of the last meeting, Councillor Hankey explained that he would not be a member of the Funding Panel, he would just be called upon if the decision were tied.


Further to Minute BWTF.201 – Township Area Plan, of the Minutes of the last meeting, Councillor Walker referred to the issue that he had raised regarding the old Jolly Carters site on Bolton Road. Councillor Walker explained that since the meeting he had received a response stating that the site did not qualify for Section 215 of the 1990 Town and Country Planning Act in relation to enforcement of derelict sites as the site was not too bad a state.


Councillor Walker stated that he felt that the site would qualify for enforcement under the act as in his opinion it had fallen into disrepair and was an eyesore. He had visited the site and had witnessed that the state of the windows was deteriorating and the site was overgrown with weeds.


Councillor Walker asked if answers to the following could be sought:

·         Who owns the site and are there any plans for future development of it.

·         How bad does the site have to be before action can be taken?


Councillor Southworth reported that she had recently been at a meeting where the airport dividend had been discussed and the play sites that this would be used to be improved had been identified. The discussions had included;


Brandlesholme Play Area

Woodhill Play area

Dow Lane Park

Burrs Country Park


The cycleway south of Spenmoor would be improved and there would also be work carried out to the paths at Elton Sailing Club.



A verbal update will be given at the meeting –


PLEASE NOTE – this item is subject to the availability of officers on the night.


PC Pete Eccleston attended the meeting to report on the work being carried across the two Bury West wards in relation to policing.


It was reported that changes to the way that the Police would be working would be introduced early 2016.


PC Eccleston reported that crime across the two Bury West wards had fallen year on year and this year was following that trend; reported violence, burglaries, thefts, handling stolen goods and criminal damage were all down. The number of robberies reported had increased and there had been a number of ASB incidents reported on the Kirklees Trail relating to youths. ASB had however reduced.


It was reported that the Police were planning projects leading up to Halloween and Bonfire Night to try and reduce incidents of ASB.


It was explained that scams were still being carried out to try and get bank details via telephone or e-mail and people should be vigilant when giving out personal information.


At the last meeting of the Township Forum there had been reports of a young man on a horse with a caravan near to Whitehead park, PC Eccleston reported that the young man seemed to have relocated to the Radcliffe area.


Councillor Walker asked if there had been any incidents relating to drugs.


PC Eccleston explained that there had been some work in relation to legal highs and the Police were working closely with Six Town Housing in relation to a few properties and nuisance tenants had been successfully removed from a few properties.


It was agreed:


That PC Eccleston be thanked for his attendance at the meeting.



Any other business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair agrees may be considered as a matter of urgency.


Hilary Marshall, Secretary of Brandlesholme Residents’ Association gave an update on the work of the Association.


11,000 homes across Brandlesolme were members of the residents association and 170 of those received regular e-mail updates regarding events and meetings.


Litter picking was being undertaken monthly at Burrs and regularly on the Kirklees Trail.


Prior to the Bury in Bloom judging the sensory beds were refurbished and a litter pick undertaken. Some of the Association Members also met with both the regional and national judges. had recently been in touch with the Association and had arranged for volunteers to help with the arrangements for the forthcoming hoe down.


It was explained that work was still being done to get the Brandlesholme signs erected at either end of Brandlesholme. Two sites had been identified – the memorial site and the bottom of Brandlesholme Road and land at Killelea House.


Andrea Tomlinson, Democratic Services Officer reported that two applications to the Advisory Group had been received:


·         Kathryn Selby representing  Bolton Road Methodist Church

·         Trevor Eastland representing Rotary – Tottington and Bury West


Councillor Members of the Township Forum were asked to vote on the applications and it was agreed unanimously that both be welcomed as Advisory Group Members to the Forum.


It was agreed:


1. That Hilary be thanked for her update.


2. That Kathryn Selby and Trevor Eastland be welcomed as Members of the Township Forum Advisory Group.



The Bury West Area Plan is attached.


Christine Maksymowski, Township Co-ordinator presented the Draft Township Area Plan.


It was agreed:


That the Plan be approved and updated as progress is made on the objectives within it.



Funding report attached for information


Christine Maksymowski, Township Co-ordinator presented the funding report.


It was reported that the Township Forum had been allocated £8000 which was due to be allocated four times a year by the Bury West Township Forum Funding Sub Group. A maximum of £250 individual grant was available to formally constituted organisations.


The next sub group meeting would be held in November so groups were advised to submit their applications as soon as possible.


It was agreed:


That the contents of the report be noted.



Those present are invited to ask questions or raise issues of concern relating to the provision of local services.


Those present were invited to ask questions or make comments in relation to the provision of local services. The following points were raised:-


·         Councillor Walker referred to the 98 and 471 bus services and stated that the service received through Church ward had deteriorated and was now very unpredictable. Councillor Walker asked that a representative from First Bus be invited to a future meeting of the Township Forum.

·         Hilary Marshall representing Brandlesholme Residents’ Association raised the following questions on behalf of the residents named;

·         Mr Dave Jowaski had reported that the waste bins in the playground on Purbeck Drive were full to bursting and asked that they were emptied.

·         Mr Kowaski had also reported that there used to be a dog bin on the Kirklees Trail which had now been removed but dog walkers still left their waste bags at the site.

·         It was reported that the dog bin at the green space/ pathway behind Wroxham Close had been burnt out and never replaced. People were leaving dog waste where it used to be situated. It was suggested that the remains of the bin be removed and a sign put up instructing people to take their dog waste with them.

·         Mr Gillet reported that the land to the rear of Wilby Close and Brandon Close at the back of Woodbank Cricket Club  was very overgrown. There was a question about  the role of the Council in respect of the land and it was asked whether this could be clarified.  It was explained that the land needed clearing as there was litter and fallen trees and the footbridge needed repairing. It was explained that Red Rose had offered to meet at the site to see what options there were at the site for community payback work.

A number of Brandlesholme residents had referred to the late weed spray that had been carried out in the area and the fact that the weeds had already grown by the time the area had been sprayed. It was asked if the area could be sprayed earlier next year. Winchester Close, Cromer Road and Dereham Close were highlighted as being quite bad.  



The next meeting of the Bury West Township Forum will be held as follows:-


Date – 6 January 2016 – meeting will commence at 7:00pm


Venue – Bolton Road Methodist Church



Following the review of the Townships Forums it had been agreed that the number of meetings of each Township Forum would be reduced. Consultation was currently taking place regarding the future dates of the meetings. It was reported that Members would be advised of the date of the next meeting in due course.