Agenda and draft minutes

Bury East Township Forum - Thursday, 12th January, 2017 7.00 pm

Please let us know if you are planning to attend and have any access requirements or other needs which we need to take account of.

Venue: Peel Room, Bury Town Hall, (access via the Elizaethan Suite on Angouleme Way)

Contact: Nicole Tilly  Democratic Services

No. Item



Members of Bury East Township Forum are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any of the matters on the Agenda and if so, to formally declare that interest.


There were no declarations of interest.



Minutes of the meeting and matters arising from the meeting held on 8 September 2016 are attached.

Additional documents:


        It was agreed:


That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 September 2016 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



A presentation will be given on the evening with details of efficiency savings to be made for Bury Council’s budget until 2020.


          The leader of the Council, Councillor Rishi Shori and Steve Kenyon, Interim Executive Director of Resources and Regulations, attended the meeting to present the budget proposals 2017 - 2020.


Councillor Shori explained that the vision was to lead, shape and maintain a prosperous Bury that is fit for the future within the current financial constraints; ensuring services are both affordable and sustainable.  The focus was on developing resilient neighbourhoods in order to help communities and residents to support themselves where possible and improve their quality of life. 


Councillor Shori stated that Bury was a popular place to live, work and visit and was the third most popular in Greater Manchester after the City Centre and the Trafford Centre.


Steve Kenyon explained the overview of the Council funding in 2016/2017 and what the key services provided for residents currently costs, which is:


·         Adult Social Care            £46.8 million

·         Looked after children      £10.6 million

·         Waste disposal                £12.5 million

·         Highways                        £6.4 million

·         Refuse collection             £4 million

·         Libraries                          £2.4 million

·         Parks and open spaces    £2.2 million

·         Sports and Leisure          £1.2 million


It was explained that since 2010 there has been a reduction in Government funding of £65.140 million and that Bury has suffered from low funding levels per head of population for many years compared to the rest of Greater Manchester and throughout England.


Councillor Shori explained that the demand for Social Care was higher with less funding but with people living longer and requiring care in later life.  In addition to the reduced funding it was also necessary to factor in other cost changes, such as inflation, increases in energy prices and in levies from other bodies. 


It was anticipated that Bury’s total cuts for the next 3 years up to 2020 would be almost £32 million and it was explained that Services are delivered from three Council Departments; Resource and Regulation, Children, Young People and Culture and Communities and Wellbeing, with the areas for the proposed cuts from each department as follows:


·         Resource and Regulation – proposed cuts of £7.3 million in areas including, reconfiguring back office Services, collaborative working with other public bodies, continued rationalisation of Council property, income generation, Highways asset management,  Treasury management/Investment activity.


·         Children, Young People and Culture – proposed cuts of £7.7 million in areas such as Development of Early Years provision and the Fostering and Looked After Children Service, Service reviews, Management restructure and changes to School Funding Regimes.

·         Communities and Wellbeing – proposed cuts of £17 million in areas such as reviewing Operational and Leisure and Wellbeing Services, focusing on bringing together Health and Social Care Services and Joint Commissioning and to review the Organisational and Transport arrangements.


Councillor Shori explained that the Council do not want to be making these cuts and must still provide statutory Services but it’s also important to tackle inequalities and support life chances within Bury.  The Public Consultation closes on 31 January 2017 with the analysis of all responses from 1 – 14 February 2017 and the proposals go to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 465.



A presentation will be given on the evening.



                   Kat Sowden, Managing Director of Persona, attended the meeting to explain the work of Persona and to ask local residents to get involved in the way that Persona provides its Services.


                   It was explained that Persona was a Local Authority Trading Company providing Social Care to older people and adults with learning difficulties and operates across a range of community settings including day and residential care centres.


                   Personas purpose was to deliver high quality services, work with local communities and key partners to think creatively and innovatively, listen to what people want and have to say, respond to the needs of the local community and keep in touch with all Partners and Communities.


                   Kat explained that most people will have an interest in Social Care at some point in their lives whether for themselves or through a friend or relative.


                   Persona currently has an employee Forum where employees could raise any issues and make suggestions in relation to the Services provided and the way that future Services could be provided.  It was hoped that a Stakeholder Forum could be established to allow for current Service Users and future Service users to have an input in Service provision.


                   Persona wants to hear comments and suggestions and there are various ways to get in touch, such as face to face with meetings, workshops and events; facebook and twitter or via email, telephone and surveys.  People can contact Persona in the following ways:


§  Telephone 0161 253 6000

§  Website

§  Email


It was agreed:


That Kat be thanked for the presentation.




Questions are invited from members of the public present at the meeting on issues of concern relating to the provision of local services.  Approximately 30 minutes will be set aside for Public Question Time if required.



The Chair, Jimmy Hill, invited questions, comments and representations from members of the public present at the meeting.  Questions were asked and comments made on the issues detailed below.

The Township Forum Co-ordinator undertook to obtain a reply to matters which could not be dealt with at the meeting.


  • A member of the Public raised concerns about the blocked drains and gutters on Heywood Street and that if the Council could inform the residents when the street cleaners would be visiting, then their cars would be moved in advance.  The Chair, Jimmy Hill agreed that this was an issue in the Pimhole area also but that it was not necessarily the Council but the residents were not in fact willing to move their cars in order to make the roads available for the street cleaners.

Councillor Holt and Councillor Connolly explained that following the presentation this evening on the cuts to Services within Bury, Services would be prioritised and residents must consider tackling certain issues themselves.

  • A member of public expressed concern at the amount of rubbish dumped at the back of her elderly Mother’s home on South Cross Street.  Councillor Connolly sympathised with this situation and stated that unfortunately it appeared to be the people living within the areas that were the culprits.  It was an issue with short stay residents in rented properties as neither they nor their landlords took the responsibility.
  • A member of public stated that although it was understood about the amount of savings the Council must make through cuts, they still had a statutory obligation to protect public and environmental health.  The local Councillors agreed this was a priority but it was how the Services must be utilised best throughout the Borough in order to meet the savings to be made.
  • A member of public stated that she lived in Moorside Ward and twice a year the local residents had a ‘clean up’ and were able to clear up the leaves themselves.  It was important that Communities and residents worked together in order to address these issues.




A funding report is attached for information.


A copy of the Township Forum Funding Report was submitted.


It was agreed:


That the report be noted




Any other business which by reason of special circumstances, the Chair agrees may be considered as a matter of urgency.


Simon Murphy, Technical Director of Street Soccer Academy along with Ian Bruty, graduate of the programme, attended the meeting and explained that this is a charity providing FA chartered coach education and fitness and accredited learning programmes to individuals whose current circumstances suggest there is no hope.  It includes four main Services; regional centres offering support to the hard to reach communities; mentoring providing locally sourced and trained volunteers; wrap around support and education programmes delivered with formally recognised award schemes.


The scheme currently targets 18+ year old males to improve their lives and is aimed at empowering participants.  The programme is peer led with the emphasis on individuals taking on specific roles and responsibilities.

Ian explained this is a way for people who have maybe taken the wrong path to learn through sport, which starts with a game of football but becomes much more with routes into access to fitness programmes and support packages helping vulnerable people away from a life of crime or with issues relating to drugs, alcohol and mental health issues.  Recruitment for Street Soccer Academy is still ongoing with an event being held at Bury College on 24 April 2017.

Councillor Holt praised the charity and asked if this was just for young men and Simon explained currently it was but once the education programme was established in Bury then it was hoped to start a fitness programme to include men and women.

It was agreed:

That Simon and Ian be thanked for their presentation.

Harry Reed explained that Bury East Sports Association are asking people to contact them for upcoming sports events.

Councillor Holt explained that the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) had proposals in relation to Walk in Centres following a consultation period which culminated in a Public meeting on 18 January 2017 and Peter Berry explained this was to do with re-configuring urgent care in Bury to provide better, wider services.



The next meeting of Bury East Township Forum will be held on Tuesday 21 March 2017 in the Peel Room, Bury Town Hall.


The next meeting of Bury East Township Forum will be held on Tuesday 21 March 2017 in the Peel Room, Town Hall, Bury.