Agenda and minutes

Radcliffe Township Forum - Thursday, 19th September, 2013 6.00 pm

Please let us know if you are planning to attend and have any access requirements or other needs which we need to take account of.

Venue: Radcliffe Civic Suite, Thomas St, Radcliffe, M26 2UH

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members of Radcliffe Township Forum are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any of the matters on the Agenda and, if so, to formally declare that interest.


There were no declarations of interest made at the meeting.


Minutes of the Meeting held on 17 July, 2013 pdf icon PDF 41 KB


It was agreed:


That the Minutes of the last meeting of the Township Forum held on 17 July, 2013 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Radcliffe Regeneration

The Leader of the Council, Councillor Connolly, will give a presentation in respect of the proposed Phase 1 regeneration of Radcliffe Town Centre specifically in respect of the refurbishment of Radcliffe Market and the provision of a new bus station.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Mike Connolly gave a presentation on the proposed regeneration of Radcliffe Town Centre in respect of the refurbishment of Radcliffe Market and the provision of a new bus station.


It was reported that the Radcliffe Town Centre Masterplan, approved by the Council in March 2011 was based on two distinct phases, Phase 1 incorporating the development of a new Retail Quarter (shorter term) and Phase 2 – a new town centre housing scheme (longer term).  The meeting was informed of the following key elements of the plan:-


Phase 1 - The development of the Retail Quarter to comprise 3 projects

Project 1: The refurbishment of Radclffe Market

Project 2: The development of a new bus station

Project 3: The development of a supermarket Retail Scheme


Project 1: The Refurbishment of Radcliffe Market


Planning Applications  would be submitted in Autumn 2013.

A temporary market would be set up for traders, to be operational by Winter 2014.         


The refurbished market would re-open in Autumn 2014.


Project 2: New Bus Station


Planning Applications would be submitted in Autumn 2013.

Work would begin on site in Summer 2014.

The new bus station would be completed by Winter 2014.


Project 3: Retail Scheme


A developer would be appointed by Spring 2014.

Design stage - Spring 2014 to Winter 2015.

Work would begin on the scheme in Spring 2015, to be completed by Winter 2016.


The meeting was informed of the forthcoming meetings being held as part of the consultation period for the investment programme. Further details regarding the proposals were available on the Council’s website.


Questions were invited from those present at the meeting and the following points were raised:


-                     Has the Council got sufficient funds to complete Phase 1?  It was      reported that the funding had been agreed by the Cabinet.

-                     Would there be free parking for residents. Free parking would be made available for residents.

-                     Were the proposals for refurbishment more about taking the safer option rather than providing a new and exciting vision for Radcliffe? It was reported refurbishment had been the most financially viable option.

-                     How does ASDA feel about the proposals?  Would there be opportunities for volunteers to get involved, such as opportunities for local unemployed people to volunteer and acquire skills and training?

-                     There were already good shops in Radcliffe who had not received the support they had deserved.

-                     If the market would be closed over the Christmas period, would market traders be adequately protected from the elements?

-                     What was First Bus involvement in the proposals for the new bus station?  The meeting was informed that the scheme would not involve First Bus as Transport for Greater Manchester (TFGM) had control of all bus stations in Greater Manchester.  The bus operators had been consulted by TFGM.


It was agreed:


1.                 Councillor Connolly was thanked for his attendance at the meeting and presentation.

2.                 That the information provided be noted.



Local Police Update

Inspector Mark Kenny, Greater Manchester Police, will provide an update at the meeting.


Inspector Mark Kenny introduced himself to the meeting and provided an update on the Greater Manchester Police restructure and how the restructure would affect policing in Radcliffe.  The new model of policing

consisted of two integrated Neighbourhood Policing Teams, each comprising of staff working together from the Community Support Officer level right through to detectives dealing with high end crime.  The new structure also involved key stakeholders in each area working closer together.  These changes were needed in order to address the cuts in police budgets, not only in Greater Manchester but in neighbouring counties.  Inspector Kenny explained that the Neighbourhood Police Teams were currently dealing with an average of 3,000 incidents on a daily basis and the police needed to get the initial contact with members of the public right.  It was also reported that a new Detective Inspector had been appointed to work with the team. 


Questions were invited from those present at the meeting and the following points were raised:


- Councillor Shori raised the problem of illegal off-road bikes  in Radcliffe.  Inspector Kenny informed the meeting of the initiatives used by GMP to tackle this issue with the use of police off-road bikes, regular enforcement action and the reliance on intelligence led initiatives.  Members of the public with information on incidents or individual involvement in illegal off-road bike usage were asked to report any information to Crimestoppers or Neighbourhood Policing Teams, in confidence.

- Councillor Shori asked about the numbers of PCSO’s in Radcliffe and if there were plans to recruit more as they provide a valuable role in community policing in the area?  It was reported that there were no plans to recuit any more in the area, but the numbers had remained static.

- Councillor Matt Bailey asked if the PACT meetings were still being held?  Inspector Kenny reported that these meetings had been under review for some time however, he felt that these meetings were an important opportunity for members of the public to meet the local police officers and that they would and should continue.


It was agreed:


Inspector Kenny was thanked for his attendance at the meeting and the Chair welcomed his attendance at future meetings of the Township Forum.



Draft Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

Paul Allen. Head of Planning Policy & Projects, Communities & Neighbourhoods Department, will give a presentation at the meeting.


Paul Allen, Head of Planning Policy and Projects gave a presentation which provided an overview of Bury’s First Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.  The Strategy contains various policies that will be used as the basis for making decisions on flood risk management.  The Document sets out the roles and responsibilities of risk management within the Borough.


The Head of Planning Policy and Projects reported that the Strategy would aim to improve the understanding of flood risk from all sources in Bury and manage the likelihood of flooding within the Borough. 


Questions were invited from those present at the meeting and the

following points were raised:


-                     The online information available relating to the strategy was not   user friendly.

-                     Close Park had been severely affected by flooding but there was little mention of this in the reports and no mention of any of the improvements made.

-                     Was there any involvement from the River Irwell Catchment Partnership who had undertaken a separate piece of work on the Water Directive Framework and eco-systems?


It was agreed:


1.                 Paul Allen was thanked for his presentation.

2.                 That the information provided be noted.



Radcliffe Township Forum Plan 2012 - 2015 pdf icon PDF 168 KB

Christine Maksymowski, Radcliffe Township Forum Co-ordinator will provide an update at the meeting.


Report attached.


It was agreed:


That this report would be considered at the next scheduled meeting of Radcliffe Township Forum.



Community Funding Report pdf icon PDF 105 KB

A report from the Programme Support Officer is attached, for information.


A copy of the Community Funding report for Prestwich was submitted, setting out details of funding allocations to date in support of the work of local voluntary and community groups.


It was agreed:


That the report be noted.



Advisory Group Update


Colette Jones provided an update on the work of Friends of Close Park since the last meeting of the Forum, as follows:-


-                     The gym equipment had now been installed in the Park.

-                     £5,000 Sustainability Grant had been obtained to go towards bike ramps.

-                     Community Space Funding – another £4,000 had been secured to support local young people – possibly towards a Street League programme.

-                     HLF funding had been secured and work had started on the medieval dig.  Local volunteers were required to support the event.


It was agreed:


That the information provided be noted.



Open Forum

Questions are invited from members of the public present at the meeting about the work or performance of the Council or the Council’s services relevant to the Radcliffe area.


Approximately 30 minutes will be set aside for Open Forum, if required.


The Chair invited questions, comments and representations from members of the public present at the meeting.  Questions were asked and comments made on the issues detailed below.  The Township Forum Co-ordinator undertook to obtain a reply to matters which could not be dealt with at the meeting.


-                     Concerns regarding Travellers who had inhabited a site in Radcliffe. Councillor Parnell explained that this site was not owned by the Council and informed the meeting of the processes involved in evicting illegal travellers.  Ward Councillors were happy to meet with residents to discuss their concerns.

-                     The Walker Allen Window , RadcliffeTown Hall – this was currently stored in Bury Museum.  Anyone interested in the restoration could apply for funding from the Heritage Fund.

-                     RadcliffePapermill Gates – the Township Co-ordinator had written to Paul Cooke, Head of Strategic Planning & Management Service and was awaiting a response as to the future of the gates.  An update would be provided at the next meeting.

-                     The future of the former RadcliffeRiverside School site? This was in the hands of the Secretary of State for Education.

-                     Concerns relating to the poor condition of the steps leading to the bandstand on Church St. 

-                     Concerns regarding speeding traffic on Stand Lane.

-                     Concerns relating to the illegal parking of cars at the bus stop on Stand Lane. 

-                     An event was taking place at the Victoria Halls in Bolton on 12 October in memory of Fusilier Lee Rigby.  All proceeds would be donated to charity.  Tickets were available from the Fusiliers Museum or contact Gill Stainthorpe.

-                     Concerns relating to the state of the footpath, Canal Walk on the approach to Radcliffe Metrolink Station.

-                     The green bins on Croft Lane needed emptying.