Agenda and minutes

Radcliffe Township Forum - Wednesday, 18th November, 2015

Please let us know if you are planning to attend and have any access requirements or other needs which we need to take account of.

Venue: Radcliffe Civic Suite, Thomas St, Radcliffe

Contact: Keren Murphy  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members of Radcliffe Township Forum are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any of the matters on the Agenda and, if so, to formally declare that interest.


There were no declarations of interest made at the meeting.


Minutes of the Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Minutes of the last meeting held on 16 September, 2016.


It was agreed:


That the Minutes of the last meeting of the Township Forum held on 16 September, 2015 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Deputy Chair.



Local Police Update


Inspector Mark Kenny attended the meeting in order to provide an update on key police issues in Radcliffe, as follows:-


?          Key crime figures for Radcliffe:-

26 - Burglary (dwelling)

 9 - Burglary (other)

       27 - Assault - injury (18 Domestic Violence)

       20 - Assault - no injury (7 Domestiv Violence)

       37 - Vehicles

       48 – Arson


?          Radcliffe North - warrant issued for an arrest relating to the discovery of a Cannabis Farm at Halsey Close - now with the CPS.

?          Police Surgeries at the Library were now up and running.  Police dealing with vehicle theft and anti-social behaviour around the Station Road area.

?          Radcliffe East - Trading Standards were dealing with the prosecution cases relating to two shop owners the cases linked to  drug warrants and fly tipping.

?          Radcliffe West - Anti-social behaviour and drug dealing in a number of streets in the area.  Police had undertook a leaflet drop in relation to incidents.  A warrant had been issued in relation to a problem family in Lever Street where drugs had been discovered.

?          PACT meetings were being held prior to meetings of the Township Forum from 5 pm - 6 pm.


The Chair invited questions/comments and representations from members of the public present at the meeting.


?          A gas cylinder, stolen from the garden of a property in the Hollinghurst Road area had been dumped on a local field.  It had been recovered and returned to the supplier.  This incident had been followed by the discovery of a lawn mower at the same site.

?          Councillor Shori raised the issue of graffiti blighting the Stand Lane/Ringley Road area.


It was agreed:


That the police officers be thanks for their attendance and that the information provided be noted.        


Radcliffe Civic Suite Closure

Cllr Shori will give a presentation at the meeting.


Councillor Shori gave a presentation on the recent decision taken by the Council to close Radcliffe Civic Suite from April 2016 and on the proposals to redevelop the site. 

Councillor Shori began by putting into context the reasons for the decision which related directly to the current financial situation of the Council, that the Authority had lost 60 % of the Government Grant and were having to priorities Council spending. 

The decision to close the centre and the redevelopment proposals were linked with the need to improve the health of Radcliffe residents.  Radcliffe had areas where, within a 2 mile radius of two GP Practices life expectancy levels were significantly different and the Council had a duty to tackle health inequalities in the area.  Subsequently, the Council would be applying for funding to support proposals for a new £10 million leisure facility in Radcliffe which would include a conference/civic facility. 


Councillor Shori acknowledged concerns relating to the loss of the Civic Suite as a heritage asset for Radcliffe, but stated the importance of looking towards the future and the positive and exciting opportunity to consolidate one building for future generations of Radcliffe.

Councillor Shori also raised concerns relating to the lack of trust some people may have with the Council.  Councillor Shori highlighted the recent investment schemes that the Council had been able to deliver for Radcliffe such as the Bus Station and Market investment and the temporary swimming pool facility.  There were also other welcomed investments such as the Dunelm Call Centre and proposals for a new supermarket.  Radcliffe was now in the top 10 Greater Manchester wards for the construction and sale of new houses.   The new leisure facility would help break the cycle of deprivation and inequality in Radcliffe and would encourage more private investment which would lead to more jobs opportunities as well as a healthier community.


The Chair invited questions/comments and representations from members of the public present at the meeting.


?       A Green Party Member raised concerns relating to the lack of openness and transparency in relation to the Radcliffe Regeneration leaflet distributed by the Council which had made reference the redevelopment of the Civic Suite site when the Homes & Communities Agency bid could have related to “any land”.  Councillor Shori responded by confirming that the initial bid for funding from the Homes & Communities Agency had the Civic Suite address as the Grant would be linked to this site.  The Green Street site could not accommodate a new leisure facility and new housing and the new housing could not go ahead without the subsidy from the Homes and Community Agency Grant.

?       Concerns raised that a new leisure facility would improve the life expectancy of people in Radcliffe and that the residents within the 2 mile radius referred to earlier would have use of the same facilities.  Councillor Shori reported on the clear link between increased exercise and increased life expectancy. Radcliffe also had high the levels of childhood obesity.  Car ownership in some areas of  ...  view the full minutes text for item RTF483


Open Forum

Questions are invited from members of the public present at the meeting about the work or performance of the Council or the Council’s services relevant to the Radcliffe area.


Approximately 30 minutes will be set aside for Open Forum, if required.


The Chair invited questions/comments and representations from members of the public present at the meeting. The Township Co-ordinator undertook to obtain a reply to matters that could not be dealt with directly at the meeting:-


?       Councillor Parnell paid tribute to Bernard Slingsby who had recently passed away.  Councillor Parnell commented on Bernard’s work in securing the name of forgotten war hero on the Cenotaph.  The Chair, Colin Jones requested that the Township Forum mark Bernard’s passing and passed on his condolences to Bernard’s family and friends on behalf of Members of the Township Forum.

?       Radcliffe Christmas Lights Switch-On - 28 November from 1 pm - 5 pm, to include the Market Piazza and fun fair.  A suggestion was made to ask Radcliffe Times to request nominations from the public for a local resident to switch-on the lights. The organisers suggested having Carol singers and a representative from Churches Together offered to make some enquiries. 

?       Councillor Walker informed the meeting of the mobile police station being set up in Radcliffe on Saturday 21 November in the evening.  Councillor Walker would be joining Officers on the beat.

?       ‘I Will if You Will’ - Feelgood Friday event at the pool for 16-19 year old girls, to include a number of activities and for each person who takes part in 4 activities they would be entered for a chance to win £100 New Look voucher as part of a prize draw at the event.  Young people who wished to take part would have to book a place to take part.



Radcliffe Township Forum Plan pdf icon PDF 288 KB

Plan attached, for information.


Christine Maksymowski, Township Co-ordinator presented the draft report which included the issues raised by those who had taken part in the general round table discussions on each of the key priorities contained within the Township Action Plan for 2014/15, for approval by members of the Township Forum.  


It was agreed:


1. That the report be approved.


2. That further ideas/comments on the Plan be forwarded to Christine Maksymowski, Township Co-ordinator.        


Advisory Group Update


Colette Jones, Friends of Close Park provided the following update:-


-    The Radcliffe Tower project was coming to an end.  The ‘Friends of..’ group were aiming to launch the Heritage Walks in April and were working with’I Will if You Will’ on a number of events.

-    The Radcliffe Heritage website was now ‘live’.  Members were working on developing a new group to be named Radcliffe Manor Group to promote heritage in Radcliffe.

-    The ‘Friends of..’  group were taking a back seat on and were focusing their efforts on becoming a ‘Park Watch’ scheme as the group had had no contact with the Council since and no-one to report to now that the Rangers were no longer available.

-    The Councillors were asked to look into the damage being caused to James the Dinosaur structure at the park and the need for signage to try to prevent further damage.  Councillor Shori agreed to look investigate this.


David Lewis, Chapelfield Village Association provided the following update:-


-  Luncheon Club were holding a trip to Tatton Park on Friday 27th  November.

- The Nature Reserve had new signage and were now working on   securing the addition of a new bench.

- The village signs had been erected on entering Chapelfield on Stand Lane.


It was agreed:


That the information provided be noted, with thanks.



Community Funding Report pdf icon PDF 64 KB

A report from the Programme Support Officer is attached, for information.


A copy of the Community Funding Report for Radcliffe was submitted setting out details of the funding allocations to date in support of the work of local, voluntary and community groups.  The Township Co-ordinator provided clarification on the the allocation of funding and the amounts available to the groups.


It was agreed:


That the report be noted.



Commuity Funding Panel Results


The Township Forum Funding Panel had considered applications for grants from the Community Fund from the following organisations:-


Red Bank - £250.

Radcliffe Business Group - £250.

Rotary Club - £250.


It was agreed:


That the applications for funding be approved by members of Radcliffe Township Forum.



Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of Radcliffe Township Forum will be held on Monday 11 January, 2016, at 6 pm, at Radcliffe Civic Suite.


That the next meeting of Radcliffe Township Forum would take place on Monday 11 January, 2016 at 6 pm, at Radcliffe Civic Suite.