Venue: Bury Town Hall
Contact: Julie Gallagher Democratic Services
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the Council are requested to declare any interests which they have in any items or issues before the Council for determination. Minutes: Councillor Pilkington declared a personal interest in all matters under consideration as a member of the newly constituted Ramsbottom Events Group. |
MAYORAL COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS To receive communications from the Mayor and any announcements by the Leader of the Council or the Chief Executive on matters of interest to the Council. Minutes: The Mayor provided Elected Members with an update on Mayoral duties undertaken since the Annual Council Meeting.
The Mayor also informed Members of the passing of former Mayor and Sedgley Ward Councillor Emanuel Wolfe Adler. As a mark of respect the Council observed a minutes silence. |
Annual Council Minutes Part 1 and 2 are attached. Additional documents: Minutes: Minutes part one and part two from the annual council meeting were approved. |
PUBLIC QUESTION TIME To answer questions from members of the public, notice of which has been given, on any matter relevant to the Council or its services to the community. Up to 30 minutes will be set aside for this purpose. If time permits, further questions will be invited from members of the public present. Minutes: No questions were received in advance of the meeting.
The following questions were raised at the meeting:
Andy Hay – Vote of thanks, reablement team Reg Dixon – Grid Rochdale Road. |
RECOMMENDATIONS OF CABINET AND COUNCIL COMMITTEES To receive and consider the recommendations to the Council contained in the following minutes of the Cabinet:
Additional documents:
Minutes: A) Meeting of Cabinet – Review of the Council’s Senior Management Structure
It was moved by Councillor Rafiq and seconded by Councillor O’Brien and it was resolved:
That A) That the role of Executive Director (Place) is regraded from Chief Officer G to Chief Officer Band H B) That a new post of Executive Director (Strategy and Transformation) is established at Chief Officer Band H C) That the role of Director of Law and Governance is regraded from Chief Officer Band E to Chief Officer Band F D) That a Market Supplement payment of £14k is applied to the Director of Adult Social Services role.
B) Meeting of Cabinet – Restructure of the HR Department – Approval of redundancy cost
It was moved by Councillor Rafiq and seconded by Councillor O’Brien and it was resolved:
C) Meeting of Cabinet – The Council’s Financial Position 2022.23 outturn report: appendix 2 Treasury Management report.
It was moved by Councillor Gold and seconded by Councillor O’Brien and it was resolved:
That: The Treasury Management report be approved.
A member may ask a verbal question of the Leader, any Member of the Cabinet or Chair of a Committee about any matter on the Council agenda and which the Council has powers or duties or which affects the Borough. Only one verbal question per Councillor. (20 minutes)
Additional documents:
Minutes: (a) Written question (Notice given)
The Leader of the Council, Councillor E O’Brien, made a statement on the work undertaken by him since the date of the last Council meeting.
The Leader and the relevant Cabinet Members answered questions raised by Councillors on the following issues:
Due to the lack of time to answer questions 11 to 20 inclusive, the Leader gave an undertaking that copies of those questions and responses will be circulated to all Councillors. The Leader also gave an undertaking to make these available on the Council Web Site.
b) Verbal Questions
(A) A combined authority update report is attached, for information (B) Questions (if any) on the work of the Combined Authority to be asked by Members of the Council for which the necessary notice has been given in accordance with Council Procedure Rules.
Additional documents: Minutes: (a) The Council received a report on the work of the Combined Authorities. (b) The following questions had been received in accordance with Council Procedure Rules:
NOTICES OF MOTION A) Community Governance Review A motion had been received and set in the summons in the names of: Councillors Carol Birchmore, Cllr Donald Berry, Cllr Andrea Booth, Cllr Des Duncalfe, Cllr Glyn Marsden, Cllr James Mason, Cllr Mike Smith and Cllr Mary Walsh
This Council notes :- Bury MBC has powers to conduct a Community Governance Review (CGR) for a specific area within the Borough. The Council notes the establishment of a Town Council may promote community engagement, effective local government and the provision of local services for local people that Bury Council may be unable to sustain due to resource pressures. In addition, Government guidance states that it is good practice for principal councils to conduct a community governance review every 10-15 years, except in areas with very low populations.
The Council acknowledges - In undertaking this review the Council will have regard to the Guidance on Community Governance Reviews issued in March 2010 by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and will comply with Part 4 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 (‘the 2007 Act’), the relevant parts of the Local Government Act 1972 and regulations issued under those acts. The Boundary commission guidance states that terms of reference set out the aims of the review, the matters that it will address and policies that the Council considers relevant to the review. The terms of reference will be published on the Council’s website and in hard copy and will be made available at the Council offices and at other venues within the area under review. The Council itself will agree the draft and final recommendations and make any Reorganisation of Community Governance Order. In coming to its recommendations in the review, the Council will take account of the views of local people and stakeholders. Legislation requires the Council to consult the local government electors for the area under review and any other person or body who appears to have an interest in the review, and to take the representations that are received into account by judging them against the criteria in the 2007 Act. The Council will promote community engagement and transparency in decision making. In relation to the review the Council will:- - Publish these terms of reference; - Publicise the review as widely as possible using printed and electronic means and seek to engage the local media in reporting the issues under review; - Consult residents, business organisations, community groups, other local organisations, political parties and elected representatives for the areas under review; - Make key documents available at the Council offices and at other venues in the areas under review; - Accept submissions by post or via e-mail or the Council’s website; - Take into account representations received in connection with the review; and - Publicise the draft and final recommendations and the outcome of the review. Publication of a terms of reference formally begins the review, which must then be completed within six months. If the ... view the full agenda text for item C. 16 Minutes: Community Governance Review
Members considered the motion received, as set out in the summons in the names of: Councillors Carol Birchmore, Cllr Donald Berry, Cllr Andrea Booth, Cllr Des Duncalfe, Cllr Glyn Marsden, Cllr James Mason, Cllr Mike Smith and Cllr Mary Walsh
This Council notes :- Bury MBC has powers to conduct a Community Governance Review (CGR) for a specific area within the Borough. The Council notes the establishment of a Town Council may promote community engagement, effective local government and the provision of local services for local people that Bury Council may be unable to sustain due to resource pressures. In addition, Government guidance states that it is good practice for principal councils to conduct a community governance review every 10-15 years, except in areas with very low populations.
The Council acknowledges –
In undertaking this review the Council will have regard to the Guidance on Community Governance Reviews issued in March 2010 by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and will comply with Part 4 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 (‘the 2007 Act’), the relevant parts of the Local Government Act 1972 and regulations issued under those acts.
The Boundary commission guidance states that terms of reference set out the aims of the review, the matters that it will address and policies that the Council considers relevant to the review. The terms of reference will be published on the Council’s website and in hard copy and will be made available at the Council offices and at other venues within the area under review.
The Council itself will agree the draft and final recommendations and make any Reorganisation of Community Governance Order. In coming to its recommendations in the review, the Council will take account of the views of local people and stakeholders. Legislation requires the Council to consult the local government electors for the area under review and any other person or body who appears to have an interest in the review, and to take the representations that are received into account by judging them against the criteria in the 2007 Act.
The Council will promote community engagement and transparency in decision making. In relation to the review the Council will:- - Publish these terms of reference; - Publicise the review as widely as possible using printed and electronic means and seek to engage the local media in reporting the issues under review; - Consult residents, business organisations, community groups, other local organisations, political parties and elected representatives for the areas under review; - Make key documents available at the Council offices and at other venues in the areas under review; - Accept submissions by post or via e-mail or the Council’s website; - Take into account representations received in connection with the review; and - Publicise the draft and final recommendations and the outcome of the review. Publication of a terms of reference formally begins the review, which must then be completed within six months.
If the ... view the full minutes text for item C. 16 |
Labour amendment to the Conservative notice of motion. |
COUNCIL MOTION TRACKER A report setting out progress in respect of Motions passed at the last meeting of Council is attached for information. Additional documents:
Minutes: For information only. |
SCRUTINY REVIEW REPORTS AND SPECIFIC ITEMS "CALLED IN" BY SCRUTINY COMMITTEES No items for consideration. Minutes: There were no scrutiny review reports or items called in by scrutiny. |
QUESTIONS ON THE WORK OF OUTSIDE BODIES OR PARTNERSHIPS Questions on the work of Outside Bodies or partnerships on which the Council is represented to be asked by Members of the Council (if any). Minutes: There were no questions to the outside bodies or partnerships. |