Agenda and draft minutes

Mayor Making, Council - Wednesday, 24th May, 2023 4.00 pm

Please let us know if you are planning to attend and have any access requirements or other needs which we need to take account of.

Venue: Bury Town Hall

Contact: Julie Gallagher  Democratic Services

No. Item

C. 1


You are also summoned to attend Part 2 of the Annual Meeting of the Council which will be held on the above date at 4.00 pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Bury for the purpose of transacting the following business:-


1.    To elect the Mayor for the Municipal Year 2023/2024


2. To elect a Deputy Mayor for the Municipal Year 2023/2024


3. To resolve that this Council hereby expresses its thanks to Councillor S Haroon, Councillor A Arif  and Mr Raja Haroon Khan for the diligent manner in which they have undertaken the duties of Mayor, Mayoress  and Consort of the Metropolitan Borough of Bury during the Municipal Year now ending and places on record its appreciation of their devotion to and performance of the important duties attaching to their Offices and that Medallions be presented to them as tokens of their service as Mayor Mayoress and Consort.



Councillor Elizabeth FitzGerald moved that Councillor Sandra Walmsley be elected to the office of Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Bury for the Municipal Year 2023/2024, with Mr James Bentley as Consort and Mrs Gillian Hargreaves as Mayoress. Councillor Eamonn O’Brien seconded the nomination. Councillors Charlotte Morris, Yvonne Wright, Jo Lancaster, Ummrana Farooq and Mike Smith spoke in support of the nomination.  Councillor Shaheena Haroon, after calling for and not receiving any other nominations, declared the nomination carried and it was:-




That Councillor Sandra Walmsley be duly elected Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Bury for the Municipal Year 2023/2024, Mr James Bentley as Consort and Mrs Gillian Hargreaves as Mayoress.


The newly-elected Mayor then occupied the Chair, read and signed the Declaration required by the Local Government Act 1972 and thanked the Council for the honour conferred on her in electing her Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Bury.




It was moved by Councillor Tamoor Tariq, seconded by Councillor Russell Bernstein and it was:




That this Council hereby expresses its thanks to Councillor Shaheena Haroon, Mr Raja Haroon Khan and Councillor Ayesha Arif for the diligent manner in which they have undertaken the duties of Mayor, Consort and Mayoress of the Metropolitan Borough of Bury during the Municipal Year now ending and places on record its appreciation of their devotion and performance of the important duties attaching to their offices and that medallions be presented to them as tokens of appreciation of their services as Mayor, Consort and Mayoress.





It was moved by Councillor Alan Quinn and seconded by Councillor Russell Bernstein and it was:-




That Councillor Khalid Hussain be appointed as Deputy Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Bury for the Municipal Year 2023/2024, with Mrs Carol Bernstein as his Deputy Mayoress.


The newly-elected Deputy Mayor then occupied the Chair, read and signed the Declaration required by the Local Government Act 1972 and thanked the Council for the honour conferred on him in electing him Deputy Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Bury.