Agenda and draft minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Thursday, 9th March, 2017 6.00 pm

Please let us know if you are planning to attend and have any access requirements or other needs which we need to take account of.

Venue: Meeting Rooms A&B, Bury Town Hall, Knowsley Street Bury BL9 0SW

Contact: Julie Gallagher  Democratic Services

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members of the Health and Wellbeing Board are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any of the matters on the Agenda, and if so, to formally declare that interest.


Councillor Rishi Shori, Leader of the Council declared a personal interest in all matters under consideration as his partner is an employee of Bury Council.



Matters Arising


The Principal Democratic Services Officer reported that with regards to minute number HWB.407Carers Action Plan and Understanding Advocacy, the Memorandum of Understanding for Young Carers and their Families will be considered at a future meeting of the HWB.



Minutes of previous meeting pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Minutes for the meeting held on the 15th Decemeber 2016 are attached.


Delegated decision:


That the minutes of the meeting held on the 15th December 2016 be approved as a correct record.



Public Question Time

Questions are invited from members of the public present at the meeting on any matters for which the Board is responsible.


Approximately 30 minutes will be set aside for Public Question Time, if required.


There were no members of the public present to ask questions under this item.



Urgent Care Redesign Consultation

Bury Clinical Commissioning Group representatives will report at the meeting.


Stuart North, Chief Operating Officer, Bury Clinical Commissioning Group attended the meeting to update Members on the Consultation exercise currently being undertaken in relation to Urgent Care Redesign.   The Chief Operating Officer reported that both nationally and locally it is recognised that the Urgent Care systems IS under considerable pressure and that current system is unsustainable. 


In Bury it has been recognised that there is a need for better service planning and design to facilitate urgent care services.  There is already local evidence of shift in urgent care trends as services continue to evolve.


The Chief Operating officer provided details of the consultation; two public meetings have been arranged as well as an online survey.  The decision in respect of the proposals has been delayed until after the Mayoral Election.


Delegated decision:


That the verbal update be noted.


Local Transformation Plan - Child Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) pdf icon PDF 78 KB

A report will be sent to follow.

Additional documents:


Dr Patel presented a report in respect of the Local Transformation Plan for CAMHS. The draft plans includes details of an improved offer for schools in respect of mental health support with the development of Link Workers; a Single Point of Access; Transition Team; extend the provision of CAMHS post diagnostic service for children with ASD/ADSD.  As well as supporting the development of Greater Manchester Out of Hours Service. 


The plan is a live document refreshed on an annual basis. The refreshed plan (17/18) will be published on Bury Clinical Commissioning Group’s (CCG) website and Bury Council’s website and will replace the current version.


Councillor Walker commented that the rates of child admissions for mental health are very high for Bury.


Delegated decision:


1.   That the Health and Wellbeing Board sign up to the principles outlined in Section 9 of the refreshed Children and Young People Mental Health and Wellbeing Local Transformation Plan.

2.   That the Board agrees a delegation to the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board in consultation with the Shadow Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing to sign off  the Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Local Transformation Plan, prior to the 31st March.



Devolution Update

The Chief Operating Officer to report at the meeting.


Stuart North, Chief Operating Officer provided members with a brief update in respect of Devolution Manchester.  The Chief Operating Officer reported that the main focus of work has been the development of the transformation submission.  Work is underway to ensure that Bury’s submission aligns with other north east sector partners in Rochdale and Oldham.


In response to a Member’s question, the Chief Operating Officer reported that the £900,000 transformation monies already received has been used to develop the proposals/submission.


Keith Walker, Pennine Care reported that there is currently a Greater Manchester wide review of Mental Health Services.


Delegated decision:


That the updated be noted.


Groundwork Ambition For Ageing pdf icon PDF 211 KB

Vicky Devonport, Groundwork Representative will report on the ambition for ageing, aligning Groundworks delivery and investments with local strategies and priorities.

Additional documents:


Vicky Devonport, Executive Director Groundwork provided a briefing to Board Members to raise awareness of the work being undertaken in aligning Groundwork’s delivery and investments with local strategies and priorities.


The Ambition for Ageing (AfA) Bury Programme brings both investment and opportunity to Bury partners and acts as a catalyst to drive forward the actions highlighted in the refreshed Bury Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2015-18: Living Well in Bury (Making it Happen Together)


To help make a greater impact the Executive Director reported this can be achieved by nurturing links to services who also engage with some of the hidden communities.


The AfA Programme in Bury helps deliver some of the actions set out in the HWB strategy:

·         ensures older people play an active role within their community, tackling the impact of social isolation

·         reduces the likelihood of people experiencing a crisis and when they do reduces the impact of this.


The primary aim of AfA if to ensure that older people are able to play an active role within their community and understand that for some tackling the impact of social isolation will be all the support they need to lead an independent life.


In response to a Member’s question; the Groundwork representative reported that funding distributed to Voluntary groups via the project has been distributed primarily to groups that were already established.


The Groundwork representative reported that a great deal of work has been undertaken with hard to reach groups, including work with partners in the library service.  Groundwork has met with GP Business Managers to raise the profile of the service and engage them in identifying those patients who may be socially isolated and would benefit from the scheme.


The Executive Director Pennine Care reported that they can help to raise awareness through the Locality Care Organisation and the Health and Wellbeing College.


The Programme will run for two and half years and is in three wards within the Borough; St. Mary’s, Radcliffe North and Moreside.  The Groundwork representative reported that the wards were pre-defined and may have been chosen due to the ethnic mix and socio-economic factors.


Councillor Holt expressed his support for the programme.


Delegated Decision:


·         That the Health and Wellbeing Board receives an update on the programme in 6-9 months

·         The Health and Wellbeing Board receives a final report at the end of the programme which considers how Bury partners might embed and consider the impact of the Action for Ageing programme across Bury on health and wellbeing when making policy, planning decisions and service developments.



Locality Plan Update pdf icon PDF 97 KB

A verbal update will be given at the meeting. Report attached.


Julie Gonda, Assistant Director Strategy and Procurement attended the meeting to provide members with an update in respect of the draft Locality Plan. 


The Assistant Director reported that Health and Social Care partners are working collaboratively to undertake system wide transformational change.  If no action is taken between now and 2020/21 a substantial system-wide financial gap across the Bury Health and Social Care system will emerge.


The scale of the challenge requires ambition and transformational thinking which will be captured within a refresh of the Bury Locality Plan.


The Assistant Director reported that investment will be sought from the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership Transformation Fund to enable some of the identified transformational activity.


To deliver these ‘shifts’ and to maximise impact, there will be a focus on 4 strategic priorities:

·                    Building New Relationships – Between Services (One Commissioning Organisation / Local Care Organisation); With the Public


·                    Staying Well for Longer


·                    Reducing Failure Demand


·                    Tackling the Wider Determinants of Health


Delegated Decision:


That the Board agrees a delegation to the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board in consultation with the Shadow Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing to sign off  the final Locality Plan and Transformation Fund Submission, prior to its submission.


Pennine Care Health and Wellbeing College pdf icon PDF 39 KB

Katie Kay, Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust will present at that meeting.  Report attached.

Additional documents:


Katy Kay and George Edgley, Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust, submitted a report in relation to the work of the Pennine Care Health and Wellbeing College.


The Health and Wellbeing College offers a range of recovery focused educational course aimed at supporting mental health related challenges.


Every course is fully co-produced, jointly developed by experts by profession and experts by experience.  The courses are open to people aged 18 years who live in the following areas: Heywood, Middleton, Rochdale, Bury, Oldham, Stockport, Tameside or Glossop.


The College site is currently based in Oldham but will be expanding into a site in Bury imminently.  All students will be asked to develop an individual learning plan that sets out specific goals and aspirations this will help to identify which courses would be most beneficial.


In response to a Member’s question, the Pennine Care representatives reported that they will hope to expand the support provided and link with other Adult Learning Courses, as well as where appropriate, other academic courses.


The Health and Wellbeing Board Policy Lead reported that links have been developed between the Council and staff providing the Helping Yourself to Wellbeing course and the Health and Wellbeing College.


Members agreed to support the programme to develop smooth pathways and avoid duplication and to work together to promote health and wellbeing amongst the Bury population


Delegated decision:


The report be noted.


Healthwatch Update pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Healthwatch Chair, Barbara Barlow and Chief Officer Joanne Horrocks will report at the meeting.  Reported attached.


Barbara Barlow, Healthwatch Chair submitted a report outlining recent activity at Healthwatch Bury, including the;


·         360 degree review and response

·         Appointment of the new Chief Officer

·         Governance review

·         New office site

·         Website development


The Key messages from the 360 degree review were: Strategic context and relationships; community voice and influence; making a difference locally and information and signposting.


The Healthwatch Chair reported following the review and subsequent report a workshop was organised with key stakeholders to agree the actions based on the survey response.


Delegated decision:


That the report be noted


Health and Wellbeing Strategy Priority Updates pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Priority Four, Ageing well – Executive Director Communities and Wellbeing will report at the meeting.

Priority Five, Healthy Places - Chris Horth and Sharon Hanbury will be in attendance.

Reports attached.

Additional documents:


Julie Gonda, Assistant Director Strategy and Procurement submitted a report providing a summary of the work undertaken in the delivery of Priority 4 – Ageing well. Chris Horth Unit Manager (Environment Team) and Sharon Hanbury, Head of Urban Renewal submitted a report in respect of priority 5 Healthy Places Create a Clean and Sustainable Environment.  A high level info graphic was appended to the report outlining progress against actions and outcomes.


The Chair invited questions from those present and the following issues were raised:


In response to a question from the Leader of the Council, the Unit Manager reported that a Greater Manchester Air Quality Strategy has been developed which contains various initiatives in respect of more environmentally efficient modes of transport.  Work is underway to develop a Clean Air Zone in the centre of Manchester as well as a congestion charge for certain types of engines/HGV.  The Unit Manager commented that it is hoped that more than one million electric cars will be on the road by 2022.


The Director of Operations, Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust, asked that further information be presented to the Board in respect of Fuel Poverty.


In response to a Member’s question; the Head of Urban Renewal reported that work is underway to tackle private landlords when properties fall in disrepair.  The Council runs a voluntary accreditation scheme for private landlords; money generated from the scheme is re-invested to tackle problem properties.  Environmental health visitors lead on this work and they will be very much part of the proposed Neighbourhood Working Hubs.


The Director of Public Health reported that members of the public health team are conducting a piece of analysis work looking at noise complaints and fly tipping.


Delegated decision:


That the report be noted.


Communication and Marketing Update

The Social Development Manager will report at the meeting.


The Health and Wellbeing Policy Lead reported the work is underway to engage with members of the public with regards to the Locality Plan, further information will follow in due course.


Urgent Business

Any other business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair agrees may be considered as a matter of urgency.


As this was the last meeting of the municipal year the Chair asked that a vote of thanks be placed on record to officers that support the Committee;  in particular Democratic Services, Heather Crozier, Health and Wellbeing Policy Lead and Chloe McCann, Assistant Improvement Advisor


For information - Update on the Friends Together Service pdf icon PDF 49 KB

Report Attached.


An updated report in respect of the Friends Together Service was circulated for Member’s consideration.



Sub Group Minutes ***For information pdf icon PDF 159 KB

Minutes for the following are attached:

Children’s Trust Board

Bury Safeguarding Adult’s Board

Carbon Reduction Board

Bury Health and Social Care Integration Board

Housing Strategy Programme Board

Additional documents:


Children’s Trust Board Minutes

Bury Safeguarding Adult’s Board

Bury Integrated Health and Social Care Board Minutes

Carbon Reduction Board

Housing Strategy Programme Board Minutes