Agenda and minutes

Health Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 28th January, 2014 7.00 pm

Please let us know if you are planning to attend and have any access requirements or other needs which we need to take account of.

Venue: Peel Room, Town Hall, Bury

Contact: Andrea Tomlinson, 0161 253 5133, Email: 

No. Item



Members of Health Scrutiny Committee are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any of the matters on the agenda and if so, to formally declare that interest.


Councillor Parnell declared a personal interest in any item relating to NHS as his wife was employed by the NHS.


Councillor Simpson declared a personal interest in any item relating to the NHS as she was employed by a medical practice in Salford.





The Minutes of the last meeting held on 10 December 2013 are attached.


It was agreed:


That the Minutes of the Last Meeting held on 10 December 2013 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.





1.       Councillor Walker referred to Minute HSC.601 – Matters Arising and referred to the question he had raised regarding the Drug and Alcohol Team and the fact that this service would be provided by a new provider and asked whether the Committee could look at this issue.


Councillor Bury explained that he had met with The Executive Director of Adult Care Services and had discussed this issue. It had been agreed that it would be discussed at a future meeting of the committee and then the service reviewed after an adequate amount of time operating.


2.                 Councillor Smith referred to Minute HSC.601 – Matters Arising and the question raised in relation to the paediatric unit at Fairfield General Hospital and asked whether the init had now closed.


Stuart North explained that the unit had been temporarily closed on and off and no decision to close it permanently had been made as yet. If the unit was to be closed permanently, this would be reported to the Scrutiny Committee for their input.


3.       Councillor O’Hanlon referred to Minute HSC.601 - Matters arising where he had asked about a meeting that had been attended by the Leader rather that the Cabinet Member and stated that he felt that the Cabinet Member should attend such meetings as he was the Councillor who would be expected to answer questions concerning the services discussed.





An update will be given at the meeting.


Stuart North, Chief Executive at Bury CCG and Dr Kiran Patel Chair of the CCG gave an update on the progress of the Healthier Together reconfiguration that was currently being developed across Greater Manchester.


The Healthier Together consultation had been due to commence across Greater Manchester in January 2014. Following a review of the work required it had been decided that the consultation would start later in the year to allow for the model options to be developed fully whilst working with all partners involved including patients and professionals. It was anticipated that the consultation would start toward summer 2014 but conversations were already underway regarding the options.


It was widely recognised that there was a need to the way that health and social care services were provided with people living longer and many with multiple long term conditions, expectations growing and services being fragmented. It was anticipated that there would be both local services and specialist services with patients at the centre. Expertise would be pooled to develop centres of excellence which would improve outcomes and patient experience.


The Healthier Together reconfiguration plan would also need to consider wider services such as Primary Care, Community Services and Integrated Care to ensure that all changes to service provision complemented any other changes happening across the whole health and social care landscape.


It was reported that views were being gathered and communities updated on the issues of joining up health and social care services, enhancing GP and community services and transforming hospital services. The



There would be a number of events held across the borough to enable engagement with as many people as possible including attendance at each Township Forum meeting.


Members were given the opportunity to ask questions and make comments and the following points were raised:-


·                     Councillor Bury referred to the fact that Healthier Together was just one part of service redesign and that a lot was also being done at a local level and asked how the two would work together.


Stuart North agreed that the situation was challenging and explained that due to the current financial situation some providers were having to make changes to the way that they worked. The CCG was asking them to go along the same direction of travel as Healthier Together. The challenges were the same for everybody and all were working towards the same end goal with the patient central.


·                     Councillor Simpson referred to the 5 year plan and explained that it was difficult to envisage this due to the lack of finances.


Stuart explained that it was challenging. NHS England had published information in relation to funding that CCGs should receive and this had shown that Bury was the lowest/worst funded CCG in the north West region. Work was being carried to try and rectify this situation with NHS England being lobbied and the situation being highlighted as much as possible.


·                     Councillor Walker explained that he had recently attended a Joint Health Scrutiny Meeting where it had been reported that  ...  view the full minutes text for item HSC.705



A presentation will be given at the meeting.


Julie Gonda - Assistant Director, Adult Care Services, Linda Jackson - Assistant Director, Adult Care Services and Lesley Jones, Interim Director of Public Health gave a joint presentation on the work that was being carried out in relation to the Integrated Health and Social Care Partnership and also in relation to the Better Care Fund Plan.


It was explained that the integrated care model will include all partners across health and social care working together and with people to support them to maintain their own health and mange their own care as much as. A partnership approach with an emphasis on prevention and early intervention which will be primary care centred with access to services 7 days a week co-ordinated and provided by integrated/multi disciplinary neighbourhood teams. It will focus on people at higher risk such as people with long term conditions and frail older people as well as having an emphasis on prevention to stop or slow down the long term conditions.


The partners and stakeholder identified include Bury CCG (GP practices and pharmacies), Bury Council )Adult Care, Public Health, Education Services and providers, Housing services and providers) Pennine Care NHS Foundation , Pennine Acute NHS Trust, mental health services, GP Federation, North West Ambulance Service, Care Homes, Home Care providers and the Department of Health plus others.


It was explained that the strategy was a 5 year strategy and would identify key deliverables across a continuum of need. 3 key deliverables had been identified:- Staying well, Re-ablement and intermediate care and integrated community based care.


The project would be able to take lessons from the Radcliffe Demonstrator and produce a joint outcomes framework.


The Governance Structure was explained and it was reported that the Integrated Health and Social Care Partnership Board was chaired jointly by The Director of Adult Care Services and The Chief Executive of the Clinical Commissioning Group and was accountable to the Bury Public Service Reform Board which in turn reported to the Greater Manchester Public Service Reform Leadership Team.


The work of the partnership Board had been to identify the key deliverables and the key enablers and task groups to carry out specific work in the requirements around these areas with a lead officer for each group.


Achievements around partnership provision were already being identified from work already being undertaken - operating 7 day opening GP practice in Radcliffe, a pilot integrated care team in Radcliffe would be rolled out wider within the next two months, the crisis response service for adults had been implemented, the integrated health and social care discharge team were in place and complex care arrangements were being co-ordinated.


Julie Gonda reported that the Draft Better Care Fund was due to be submitted to the Health and Wellbeing Board at its meeting on the 30 January 2014. The Fund required a 15% reduction in emergency activity by 2015/2016. The Fund would be made up of an NHS resource transfer of £11.7m of which £8m was from the CCG  ...  view the full minutes text for item HSC.706