Agenda and minutes

Virtual, Health Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 14th May, 2020 6.30 pm

Please let us know if you are planning to attend and have any access requirements or other needs which we need to take account of.

Contact: Michael Cunliffe  Email:

No. Item




There were no apologies for absence submitted.




Members of Health Scrutiny Committee are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any of the matters on the agenda and if so, to formally declare that interest.


There were no declarations of interest made at the meeting.




Questions are invited from members of the public in advance of the meeting on any matters for which this Committee is responsible.


There were no pre submitted questions from members of the public.



MINUTES pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on the 15th January 2020 are attached.


The minutes of the meeting held on 15th January 2020 were submitted for approval.


It was agreed:


      That the minutes be approved as a correct record.



Bury Health and Care System update on response to COVID19 pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Update to be provided at the meeting and covering report attached to the agenda outlines key work that the Health & Care system in Bury have undertaken in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As the response continues efforts are now focussed on the sustain and recovery phases.


A presentation will be made at the meeting.




A presentation was made at the meeting and the covering report attached to the agenda outlined the key work that the Health & Care system in Bury had undertaken in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As the response continued efforts were now focussed on the planning and recovery phases.


Geoff little reported on the latest data including the number of deaths that had occurred in Bury and Dr Schryer provided information on confirmed cases.

Julie Gonda commented on Bury’s response objectives and social care support.


An overview was given on the response to date and recovery planning.


A summary was provided to Members on the following topics with detailed information presented:-


·    Introduction of testing & contact tracing

·    Risks and challenges in recovery

·    Recovery phasing

·    Recovery principles

·    Recovery priorities

·    Role of Community Hubs

·    Cohorts to consider in recovery

·    Overall recovery for Bury


Members present at the meeting then asked a number of questions to Council officers and health professionals present and were provided with answers to the following questions:-


·    Would the NHS be reimbursing the CCG for the extra financial pressures of Covid 19?

·    When people return to work could this see a reduction in staffing of the Hubs and could Council officers be redeployed temporary to the Hubs.

·    Would there be extra funding available from the Government in relation to social care?

·    A request was made to explain the technology behind the testing and contact tracing system.

·    Media reports had highlighted higher cases of Covid 19 in the BAME community.

·    Would there be phased testing in care homes?

·    Are phone apps to be used for tracing case related contacts?

·    Following deaths in Fairfield Hospital which were caused by Covid 19, they had not followed religious requirements when dealing with the body.


Information was provided on the approach which would be taken by the Council to enforce the Government’s lockdown via means of explanation and encouragement.


A discussion took place about vaccines and anti-body tests along with the national shortage off PPE equipment and the increased price for these products.


It was agreed:


      That the update report and presentation be noted.




Any other business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair agrees may be considered as a matter of urgency.


Dr Schryer provided an update about the Garden City Medical Centre in Bury and the recent death of Dr Saad Al-Dubbaisi due to Covid 19. He provided information on what would happen at the centre due to it being a single doctor run led practice.


It was agreed:


That the update be noted and the Health Scrutiny Committee

placed on record their condolences to Dr Dubbaisi, his family,

friends and patients at this sad time.






(Note:  The meeting started at 6.30 pm and ended at 7.55 pm)