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APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence submitted from Councillor K Hussain.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of Health Scrutiny Committee are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any of the matters on the agenda and if so, to formally declare that interest. Minutes: Councillor Gunther declared a personal interest as she was a patient at Garden City Medical Practice in Bury.
PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Questions are invited from members of the public (Either pre submitted) or present at the meeting on any matters for which this Committee is responsible. Minutes: There were no pre submitted questions from members of the public.
Minutes of the meeting held on the 14th May 2020 are attached. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 14th May 2020 were submitted for approval.
It was agreed:
That the minutes be approved as a correct record.
Mental Health - Update on service provision in light of Covid-19 PDF 60 KB Report attached. Additional documents: Minutes: A presentation was made at the meeting by Karen Whitehead (Strategic Lead Inclusion & Partnerships) and Jemma Billing (Senior Children’s Commissioner CCG) to give an update on children’s mental health services during the Covid outbreak and the recovery plans.
An introduction was made to Members that in response to the current pandemic Bury OCO had worked in partnership with all providers to design a graduated approach to support schools and parents to access the right support at the right time.
Currently referrals into all mental health services have significantly reduced. As a consequence of this they currently had no waiting times and were in a position to respond to the changing needs the pandemic will bring.
Details were presented on the Multi-Agency Graduated Response.
Bury Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Healthy Young Minds –previously CAMHS) offered specialist services to children and young people who were experiencing mental health difficulties. The service was delivered by Pennine Care Foundation Trust and is the core Children and Young People (CYP) mental health service in Bury.
Figures were also given on Mental Health Access Standards, Waiting Time Standard’s and information on the CCG Assurance / Recovery Planning phase.
Data would be reviewed at GM level post Covid and it was expected there would be around a 20% increase on pre Covid levels. Members asked if there were the resources and funding to cope with the anticipated extra demand on the service.
Councillors commented and supported the Bury Youth Cabinet together with Bury Grammar school inviting children and young people to write letters to people in communities that are isolated during the covid-19 pandemic.
The Chair stated that not all schools had returned and was there anything extra being offered between now and the end of the academic term.
The Multi-Agency Graduated Response provided a number of support mechanisms to schools and this included an anxiety course which had been developed by HYM’s. Places would be available for schools and they had been encourage to book places to upskill their staff in supporting their students.
Julie Gonda, Director of Community Commissioning also presented update information to the committee about Mental Health services for adults. An overview was detailed on the Bury Mental Health Snapshot Pre-Covid along with a performance report for May 2020. The presentation provided a summary on:
The Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership (GMHSCP) requested support from Health Innovation Manchester (HInM) to develop and carry out a quick snapshot review to help inform the Greater Manchester (GM) Mental Health (MH) recovery planning and prioritisation process. The following themes have emerged from stakeholder engagement across the system.
Update on Covid Response and Recovery Planning including Test & Trace Report to follow (The final version of the local outbreak plan will be produced by the 30th June). Minutes: Geoff Little, Chief Executive and Accountable Officer delivered a presentation on Bury’s Health and Care Recovery plan.
The latest infection figures and cases in the local population were detailed along with the total numbers of deaths.
The risk of a second wave and infections increasing if restrictions were not followed was detailed.
Information was provided on how lifting the lockdown safely would be conducted which included the hospitality sector from the 4th July. The presentation provided a summary on: · National NHS Position and Challenges · Resuming activity · Black Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities · Recap on Recovery Phasing · Recovery Principles · Work so far · Recovery Themes and Priority Programmes
A Councillor had been to shop in Bury and commented that some parts of the town centre were not social distancing. It was advised that a one way system was in place with a number of stewards to help and advise people on their behaviours to social distance although there were no enforcement powers.
A Member stated that with pubs reopening could the health service cope with the extra demands and can PPE be cleaned so it could be used more than once.
Accident and Emergency departments had concerns for the upcoming weekend and executives at Bury North Care Alliance had planned provision similar to a bank holiday weekend. PPE guidance would continue to be monitored with changes made in the past from 20 minutes to a single session. Simon Featherstone added that there was no risk of running out of PPE supplies.
The Chair had seen a news report of an outbreak at a food processing plant and asked if certain industries were at a higher risk of infection.
Lesley Jones, Director of Public Health stated it could be a case that these factories were more at risk with overcrowding of employees and lower temperatures in the workplace. There were none of these in Bury although businesses would be identified that may be at a higher risk and work would be conducted with environmental health colleagues.
A Member commented that if come winter time would the risk of infection be twice as high in the refrigeration industry.
A question was posed on how you define local boundaries when neighbouring districts had higher figures.
The Director of Public Health then provided a presentation to Members on the Local Outbreak Plan.
Background information was communicated that all upper tier authorities were required to publish COVID-19 Local Outbreak Plans by 30th June.
These plans were to be led by a Covid-19 Health Protection Board chaired by the Director of Public Health and overseen by a member led board. In Bury, this would be the Council Cabinet.
The Covid-19 Outbreak Plan was circulated to Members for information and had been developed in accordance with national guidance and outlines our local approach to preventing and managing outbreaks in the borough as part of the National Test, Trace, Contain and Enable Programme.
The plan was approved on the 29th June under Emergency Powers rules.
Members ... view the full minutes text for item HSC.54 |
Care update (Including impact of Covid in relation to winter pressures in 19/20 and planning for 20/21 Minutes: The Director of Community Commissioning presented information to the committee on winter planning for 2020-2021. A summary of the key points of the presentation included: • System wide winter planning will be co-ordinated through the Bury UC Delivery Group. • Closer links to the established to Bury Urgent Care Recovery Group • The Bury System will review the learning from Winter 2019-20, with support from the Utilisation Management Team, to inform plans for 2020-21. • Specific for winter Panning 2020-21 will be the ongoing COVID pandemic status and associated national and regional guidance. • Predictive modelling will be used for planning assumptions. • The Bury system will engage at a NES and GM level on winter planning as required.
It was reported that Fairfield General Hospital 4 hour performance was the best in GM for 2019-20 (excluding Royal Manchester Children's Hospital who have lower numbers and only deal with children). For Quarter 1, 2020-21 (April/May up to June 15th) FGH is currently the second best performing site in GM
Other data and figures communicated to the committee included the total users of Adult Social Care and users of Home Care & Direct Payments.
URGENT BUSINESS Any other business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair agrees may be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: No urgent business was reported at the meeting.