Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Bury, BL9 0SW
Contact: Chloe Ashworth Democratic Services
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence are listed above.
Councillor Bernstein attended on behalf of Councillor Lancaster. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of Health Scrutiny Committee are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any of the matters on the agenda and if so, to formally declare that interest. Minutes: Councillor FitzGerald declared a prejudicial interest due to being employed as the Head of Finance at Health Innovation Yorkshire and Humber. |
MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING PDF 402 KB The minutes from the meeting held on 07th September 2023 are attached for approval. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 07th September 2023 were agreed as an accurate record.
There were no matters arising.
PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Questions are invited from members of the public present at the meeting on any matters for which this Committee is responsible. Minutes: There were no public questions.
MEMBER QUESTION TIME A period of up to 15 minutes will be allocated for questions and supplementary questions from members of the Council who are not members of the committee. Minutes: There were no member questions.
Elective Waiting Times Update PDF 734 KB Karen Richardson, Assistant Director Transformation (Bury), Joanna Fawcus, BCO, NCA and Catherine Tickle, Senior Programme Manager (Bury) to present at the meeting. Presentation attached.
Minutes: Karen Richardson, Assistant Director Transformation (Bury), Joanna Fawcus, BCO, NCA and Catherine Tickle, Senior Programme Manager (Bury) provided an overview of Elective waiting times.
Councillor FitzGerald wished for the Committee to note that 32 thousand people waiting in Bury is 16% of the population. A member sought assurances on the voice of the patient being heard in discussions. Members were assured that two mechanisms currently exist:
A member queried the success of the patient initiative of opting-in after 40 weeks. The committee was informed this is still being rolled out. Members were informed that patients are prioritised on a waiting list due to clinical urgency. Patients can also be expedited by a general practitioner should their associated condition deteriorate.
Dermatology is a challenging specialty across Greater Manchester due to demand and workforce. Greater Manchester have sustainable services programmes as this is a pressurised service across Greater Manchester. Bury currently has a pilot regarding tele-dermatology and patients who are on a two week wait pathway.
Discussions took place regarding the effects on staffing due to Brexit and industrial action.
Members were informed that the NHS planning guidance confirming plans for next year and targets is usually received towards the end of December.
Discussions took place regarding translation support services and methods for those where English is not their first language.
Members highlighted the good recruitment recently, members were informed that the training and recruitment package used is being shared to support other sector development.
It was agreed:
Adult Social Care update and white paper reforms PDF 601 KB Presentation from Adrian Crook, Director of Adult Social Services and Community Commissioning attached.
Minutes: Adrian Crook, Director of Adult Social Services and Community Commissioning provided an overview of the presentation contain within the published agenda pack. Members were informed of the progress for various funding opportunities, the Fair Cost of Care Exercise, Charging Reform and CQC Inspection of local authority. Members were also provided with an overview of the Care Quality Commission (CQC), assessment duties, The Care Act 2014 and key dates.
Members were informed deficits are informed through the CQC and policy from the minister areas raised are:
· Waiting Lists · Unpaid carers · Evidence (Strategies and documents) · Outstanding annual reviews · Waits for major adaptations
Members sought assurance regarding the recruitment of good care staff. Members were informed it is not to the same success as the NHS as conditions cannot be matched, however the rate of pay has been increased to the real living wage, which has 7000 care worker posts and there are 700 vacancies.
Members were informed the Council has a provider failure duty under the care act. The two care homes in Elton had been in liquidation for a while, however due to the small amount of 30 residents, all of which were found new care home beds across the borough.
It was agreed:
1. Performance report to be brought back early in the new year 2. Self-assessment report to be brought back in the new year. |
GM women's health programme Will Blandamer, Executive Director (Health and Adult Care) to provide a verbal update. Minutes: Will Blandamer, Executive Director (Health and Adult Care) advised the Women’s Health Strategy for 2022 is brought before the committee to begin discussions around the Greater Manchester Women’s Health Strategy.
Professor Dame Lesley Regan was appointed by the Government as the Women’s Health Ambassador who attended a meeting in Manchester along with Will Blandamer and Dr Cathy Fines to help construct a Greater Manchester Women’s Health Strategy. Councillor Arif, Deputy Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing advised she is looking forward to this piece of cross party work with Councillor Lancaster also.
Councillor FitzGerald commented on women’s health, especially IVF which will need to be resolved now there is one GM NHS.
It was agreed:
Adult Care Annual Complaints and Compliments Report 2022 -2023 PDF 905 KB Report attached. Minutes: Adrian Crook, Director of Community Commissioning advised it is a statutory requirement to produce an Annual Complaints Report relating to Adult Social Care Complaints. This report is to provide members of Health Scrutiny Committee with details of information relating to Adult Social Care Services. The report relates to the period 1st April 2022 – 31st March 2023, and provides comparisons between previous years, as well as detailing the nature, scope and scale of some of the complaints received.
A member questioned if there are any financial implications as a result of the Ombudsman complaints. Members were informed that the Ombudsman is know to award a penalty for the Council that is given to the person as recompense. The maximum received this year was £3,500, however ordinarily it is around £500 so in total this year it is around £5000.
It was agreed:
Update from Task and Finish Groups PDF 239 KB Report attached from Councillor FitzGerald, Chair. Minutes: Councillor FitzGerald advised there were two task and finish groups established last year, which had final actions to discuss with the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing and the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People.
Adrian Crook, Director of Community Commissioning advised members that an action from on of the task and finish groups was regarding carers services has been delivered and now when you search ‘carers in bury’ the site comes up as one of the top websites. In addition services appreciated the coffee mornings and a priority going forward will be on unpaid carers.
It was agreed:
Greater Manchester Health Scrutiny Committee Any other business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair agrees may be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: In addition to the published agenda the Chair agreed an item of urgent business an update on the Greater Manchester Health Scrutiny Committee. At the last Greater Manchester Health Scrutiny there was a joint GMCA Health Scrutiny and Overview and Scrutiny Committee to look at the health planning in Manchester until 2027-2028 which included the financial plans.
It was agreed:
1. A schedule from the health planning in Manchester 2027-28 was to be circulated to the Committee with Members advised to look at page 31 of the link which was a helpful insight to understand the cost of poor health.