Agenda and minutes

Health Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 21st July, 2022 7.00 pm

Please let us know if you are planning to attend and have any access requirements or other needs which we need to take account of.

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Bury, BL9 0SW

Contact: Chloe Ashworth  Democratic Services

No. Item




Apologies for absence are listed above.



Members of Health Scrutiny Committee are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any of the matters on the agenda and if so, to formally declare that interest.


Councillor Tariq declared an interest due to being employed as a Manager for Healthwatch Oldham and a member on Oldham Health and Wellbeing Board.




The minutes from the meeting held on 22nd June 2022 are attached for approval.


The minutes of the meeting held on 22nd June 2022 were agreed as an accurate record.


Matters arising: Councillor Moss requested an update on the training that was proposed at the last meeting. In response Chloe Ashworth, Democratic Services advised that training is being planned to take place prior to the next meeting with the LGA. In addition to further training on Health Scrutiny power’s will be scheduled with members.



Questions are invited from members of the public present at the meeting on any matters for which this Committee is responsible.


There were no public questions.





A period of up to 15 minutes will be allocated for questions and supplementary questions from members of the Council who are not members of the committee. This period may be varied at the discretion of the chair.


There were no Member questions.



Adam Webb, Chief Operating Officer, Healthwatch Bury CIC to provide an update at the meeting. Report attached.

Additional documents:


It was agreed that the agenda will be re-arranged from the published agenda pack and Healthwatch Bury be taken first.


Adam Webb, Chief Officer Healthwatch Bury provided an overview of the presentation contained within the agenda pack.


Adam Webb, advised Healthwatch propose to play an ongoing part with the Health scrutiny committee, offering to share reports and intelligence on an ongoing basis, and to use their independent status to investigate issues (where appropriate) as raised by the committee and be a conduit for patient experience to feed in directly to highlight the reality of the systems delivery for those that use them.


In addition, Councillor Tariq, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing added that mental health, primary care including GP Services and health inequalities are key areas that he as Cabinet Member will be working on.


Councillor Birchmore sought clarification on why Bury East had 42 events noted and other areas had considerably less. Adam Webb, assured the committee this is being looked at but the reason this year is because Bury Town Centre had more pre-existing events scheduled and up until February 2022 the Office was situated in that area.


Adam Webb assured members that topics that will be considered over this municipal year included, urgent care, walk in centres and patient flow to and from them.


Members questioned if a breakdown of compliments, comments and complaints could be provided; in response Adam Webb advised this can be done but compliments will only be a small number. He did advise that most people who choose to feedback when there is an issue as opposed to feeding back when they are happy.


Adam Webb, Healthwatch provided assurance to the Committee that the BAME Community are engaged with and their voices and barriers to care are heard. Adam advised that consultation takes place with BAME Communities and the Groups that represent them. A key area for improvement would be around communication to patients and the interpretation of services.


In summary the Chair, Councillor Fitzgerald concluded, that a periodic update from Healthwatch at a future meeting would be beneficial, this could include benchmarking against other areas.



Steve Taylor, Chief Officer to present at the meeting. Presentation and the Northern Care Alliance Vision document attached.

Additional documents:


Steve Taylor Chief Officer provided the Committee with a presentation on Bury Care Organisation and the Northern Care Alliance. A copy of the presentation is in the agenda pack.


Bury Care Organisation provides acute and community services within the Bury locality:

-       Fairfield General Hospital provides medical care and elective surgery, with some specialties serving either all / other Care Organisations within the NCA, such as Specialist Elective Orthopaedics.

-       Bury community health services include a range of Universal Children’s services and also Children’s Targeted services. In addition, there are 5 integrated neighbourhood teams of which District Nursing forms a part as well as combining and hosting Adult Social Care within these areas.


In response to a member question regarding the phone system and publication of it; Steve Taylor confirmed calls regarding Rochdale and Bury will be centralised through the switchboard system at Oldham Hospital.


Members also pointed out the importance of parking for patients at Rochdale hospital.


In response to a member’s question regarding life expectancy in different areas Steve Taylor confirmed there is many variable factors for this; typically deprivation, diet, exercise, lifestyle factors and occupational differences.


Steve Taylor provided an overview in the areas that staff cover, this was inclusive of; school nurses, midwifes, community nurses, research staff and quality improvement staff.


Councillor Tariq, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing raised a concern relating to a resident. Following a discussion, the Chair agreed the matter would be dealt with outside the meeting.


Councillor Rizvi asked for assurance of services provided at hospital that will be more prominent in the needs of BAME communities. In response Steve Taylor assured the committee that services listed are not an exhaustive list and the access to these services is regularly reviewed.


Councillor Moss advised that 30% of the Care Organisation live in Bury and therefore questioned where are the other 70% from. In response Steve Taylor advised specialist may need to come from further afield but the goal is to increase the staff force to be residents where possible.


Councillor Brown raised a specific question regarding a resident who was prescribed nicotine patches at hospital, but the prescription was then not upheld by the GP. It was agreed that a response to this matter will take place with public health colleagues outside the meeting and Adrian Crook, Director of Adult Social Care will facilitate this.


Councillor FitzGerald asked that it is noted that it is great that women and children’s health was mentioned and the digital offer by using college courses as using statistics well can often be crucial to improving inequalities.


In Summary Chair, Councillor FitzGerald raised a request to pick up lessons learnt, safeguarding and broader issues in a later meeting and Councillor Tariq to meet separately outside the meeting. Want to note that Health inequalities should be included on the workplan going forward.


The Chair, Councillor FitzGerald thanked Steve Taylor on behalf of the committee for attending and providing an overview.








Ben Squires, Head of Primary Care (Greater Manchester) NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care to provide an update.



Ben Squires, Head of Primary Care (Greater Manchester) attended to provide an overview and update on access to dentistry services in the Borough. A copy of the presentation is attached to the agenda pack.


Councillor Hussain questioned if those in receipt of a state pension can access discounted or free access to dental care. Ben Squires advised that this is directed by national policy and effects other cohorts of people who have limited income or no income, such as asylum seekers. Councillor Hussain asked if the barriers outlined could be sent to a member of Democratic Services, then raised with a Bury MP. The Committee agreed that clarification of what options are available for people who do not access qualifying benefits for free dental care is sought.


Councillor Whitby questioned how patients who have long term conditions and/or live in a nursing home and access remote oral health provide patient feedback. Ben Squires advised there is an initiative titled ‘mouth care matters’ and a number of care homes who have engaged with this in Greater Manchester have subsequently been rated as outstanding with the CQC. Dental service access and provision of dental treatment in care homes is limited as some procedures cannot be done due to infection control.


Following comments from Councillor Tariq, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, Ben Squires advised he will take back an action and look into how local Councillors can effectively engage and support local dentists.


Councillor FitzGerald thanked all guests, officers and member for their attendance.



Any other business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair agrees may be considered as a matter of urgency.


There was no urgent business.