Agenda and minutes

Youth Cabinet - Tuesday, 3rd September, 2013 5.00 pm

Please let us know if you are planning to attend and have any access requirements or other needs which we need to take account of.

Venue: Town Hall, Bury

Contact: Andrea Tomlinson  Democratic Services

No. Item



The Members in attendance at the meeting are asked to consider whether they have an interest in any of the meters on the agenda and if so, to formally declare that interest.


There were no declarations of interest made at the meeting.



The Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 18 July are attached.


It was agreed:


Subject to the inclusion of apologies sent by Cllr Andrea Simpson that the Minutes of the meeting held on 18 July be approved as a correct record.



Cindy Lothian and the Youth Township Forum Representatives will report at the meeting.


The attendees were split into 2 groups to give feedback on Youth Township Forum Representatives and how the Township Forums can be more youth-friendly going forward.




Feedback will be given at the meeting.


1.    Tom Sharman explained that the Youth Cabinet Leadership Team had met over the summer holidays to plan what they would like achieve over the next academic year, and a timetable of events has been decided.


Davina Henley talked through the ideas that the Youth Cabinet want to focus on over the next year. She explained that 13 young people spent an afternoon over the summer holidays to decide the timetable. Davina asked for people who want to be involved in the events make her aware.


Davina explained that the Youth Cabinet wanted to set up a Twitter and Facebook page.


Kate Alam asked what the intention was for the page and who would run the page, as the official line is that a page has to be mediated constantly.


It was identified that there is already a Youth Cabinet social media page set up which is mediated by the members of the Youth Cabinet. Tom explained that the group on Facebook is a ‘closed’ group at the moment, which is only for members of the Youth Cabinet, and they want to set up a Facebook page to advertise the Youth Cabinet.


Kate Alam explained that there is an integrated youth service Facebook page and a page could be added onto that.


Tom then explained that a Twitter page is wanted to ‘live tweet’ the meetings, what is being discussed and to promote events of the Youth Cabinet.


Cllr Vincent asked about how a Twitter account is controlled.


Cllr Walmsley explained how Twitter works, saying that a Twitter account can be made private if necessary.


India Taylor remarked that if the page received any abuse, it can be reported.


Tom Sharman said the Youth Cabinet wanted a public page to engage with those outside of the Cabinet and to advertise the events organised by the Cabinet.


Kate Alam asked the chair to clarify what the Youth Cabinet wanted from Social Media.


Tom Sharman answered that they wanted the page to be able to have comments from people, and to interact with the public. They wanted a Twitter account to be able to tweet throughout the meeting and keep the public up to date on events and what is happening as the Youth Cabinet is being rebranded.


Cllr Campbell asked what was agreed to be going forward.


It was agreed that:


Kate Alam would find out the logistics of setting up the social media pages.


2.    Another idea for the Youth Cabinet was to meet up with Bolton Youth Cabinet to socialise, have some training and activities.

3.    It was discussed about advertising the Youth Cabinet in the Bury times, which was agreed as a one off article to promote the dates of the meetings of the Youth Cabinet.

4.    Emily Kay explained that the Youth Cabinet wanted to develop the ‘Smile App’, which would be a Smartphone app designed to be downloaded and would give you a daily task to do, to make others smile.

Tom Sharman explained that apps  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.




There will be a consultation on YPAS (Young People’s Advisory Service) held on Tuesday 10th September between 4.30-6pm at Townside Primary Care Centre.


The consultation is being taken after feedback from the circles of influence day.



Andrew Knight will give an update at the meeting.


Andrew Knight explained that the Council wanted to make information more accessible for young people. On the Bury Council website there is a find it for me page and after taking feedback and speaking to the IT department he had created a poster to be displayed around the borough to advertise this function.

The Youth Cabinet had given feedback on a draft poster made, and the poster to be shown at the meeting was the result of that feedback being taken on board.


Feedback was given by the members of the Youth Cabinet on the poster, and it was agreed that a new final version would be agreed upon there. There were decisions made on the style, font, and pictures to be used.




Any other business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair agrees may be considered as a matter of urgency.


1.    Andrew Miller asked if it was possible for the Youth Cabinet to get a press officer to attend.


Cllr Walmsley asked what the press officer would be needed for.


Andrew answered to report when the meetings are being held.


Cllr Walmsley explained how the communications team worked, and that the way the press release would work is something the Youth Cabinet had rejected in the past.


It was agreed that:


The dates for the meetings for the year ahead would be put into a press release.


2.    Emily Kay announced that it was Davina Hanley’s last Youth Cabinet meeting and wished to thank her for all her work in the past year.


Davina said thank you, and that it had been a pleasure to meet all the young people and to work with them.


3.    Davina explained about the Youth Parliament  ‘Make your Mark’ campaign, which is where young people hold a debate in the House of Commons chamber, and decide what the key issues for young people across the country are. Young people across the country can vote, via a ballot paper on what their key issues are.

Davina explained that for every 1000 forms filled out; the young person responsible will get an award. Davina asked the young people to get involved with getting others to complete the ballot papers, which are available to fill in paper and online. She said that last year 250,000 young people had been involved with voting in 2012.

It was agreed that the Youth Cabinet would advertise the link to vote on Facebook, and they would hand out the leaflets in Bury Town Centre.

4.    Hannah Unsworth explained about Local Democracy Week which is happening between the 14-18th October 2013. She explained about the different events that will be taking place during the week.