Agenda and minutes

Youth Cabinet - Thursday, 8th June, 2023 5.00 pm

Please let us know if you are planning to attend and have any access requirements or other needs which we need to take account of.

Venue: Town Hall Bury

Contact: Kelly Barnett  Democratic Services

No. Item


Confirmation of appointment - Youth Mayor and Deputy Youth Mayor


It was reported that the following positions had now been filled:


Youth Mayor – Daniel Lewis

Deputy Youth Mayor – Areeba Malik




All those present were welcomed to the meeting.




Apologies were received from Adam, Ellie, Evie and Maisie.


Declarations of Interest

Councillor Members of the Youth Cabinet are asked whether they have any interest in any item on the agenda and if so, to formally declare that interest.


There were no declarations of interest made at the meeting.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 169 KB

The Minutes of the last meeting held on 26 April 2023 are attached.


It was agreed:


That the Minutes of the last meeting held on 26 April 2023 be approved as a correct record.


Matters Arising


There were no matters arising


Terms of reference pdf icon PDF 177 KB

The Youth Cabinet terms of reference are attached for information.


The terms of reference had been discussed at a previous meeting and updated following those discussions.


The Terms of Reference were attached for information.






Local and Regional Youth Update


Gemma  gave an update from the GMYCA and the work that was being done in relation to environmental issues and campaigning locally for things such as planting more trees and cycling instead of driving.


It was reported that the Youth Combined Authority Full Development Day was due to be held in September. The venue for the event had been advised as Chorley Activity Centre which was located one and a half miles from the nearest train station. It was asked whether GMYCA should be requested to look for another venue.


It was also reported that the regular GMYCA meetings had been relocated to a building within the MMU campus.


It was agreed:


That a request be sent to the GMYCA asking that an alternative venue be found for the Full Development Day.


Co-Production Kite Mark


It was explained that the Co-Production Kite mark was under development through the Children’s Strategic Partnership Board Co-production sub group – working with Youth Cabinet.  A toolkit was being developed, which includes training by young people as well as a range of other resources.


Organisations will be able to apply to be awarded the kitemark evidencing that they engage and involve young people as partners in order to develop the best services and support that meets young people’s needs.



Circles of Influence update


It was reported that the 2023 Circles of Influence would be taking place in the Elizabethan Suite on July 6.


There would be 5 circles represented at the event:-


·         Transport

·         Cost of Living Crisis

·         Knife Crime and Youth Violence

·         Education and Life Skills, and

·         Mental Health and wellbeing of young people


Those present were asked to break into groups to discuss the questions that should be asked at Circles of Influence The top 3 questions identified would be used.


The questions were:-


Education and Life Skills:-


1.    How are agencies maximising opportunities across local businesses for young people?

2.    How can you ensure young people know where to go sexual health advice?

3.    How can we ensure that young people are aware of what a healthy relationship looks like?


Mental Health & Wellbeing of Young People:-


1.    How can we increase availability of mental health support before crisis point?

2.    How can waiting lists be shortened?

3.    How can we educate to end stereotypes or stigma about mental health?




1.    What can be done to ensure safety on public transport?

2.    What can be done to make sure that buses follow correct times and rota’s and stick to their routes?

3.    What can be done to lower the price of tram tickets?


Cost of Living Crisis


1.    What cab be done to make school uniforms more affordable and school trips accessible to low income families?

2.    How can we ensure that people know how to eat healthily on a budget and how to save energy to cut energy bills?

3.    How can young people be supported to live independently including care leavers?


Knife Crime and Youth Violence


1.    What is being done to improve relationships between the Police and young People?

2.    Should more education/training be provided with regards to safeguarding? – First Aid, Self-defence, recognising exploitation?

3.    How can we create more safe places for young people to socialise (Under supervision)?





The big debate - should pupils who bring drugs into schools be permanently excluded?


A debate was held – should pupils who bring drugs into school be permanently excluded?


Following the debate a vote was held and:


It was agreed:


That pupils should NOT be permanently excluded if found to have brought drugs into school.