Agenda and minutes

Youth Cabinet - Tuesday, 28th November, 2023 5.00 pm

Please let us know if you are planning to attend and have any access requirements or other needs which we need to take account of.

Venue: Town Hall Bury

Contact: Kelly Barnett  Democratic Services

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence are noted above.


Declarations of Interest

Councillor Members of the Youth Cabinet are asked whether they have any interest in any item on the agenda and if so, to formally declare that interest.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 239 KB

The Minutes of the last meeting held on 27 September 2023 are attached.


The minutes of the previous meeting held on 27 September 2023 were agreed and signed by the Chair.



Matters Arising

Julie Gallagher, Head of Democratic Services to attend the meeting to discuss the ideas that were suggested in relation to getting young people involved in the Council’s decision making.


Julie Gallagher, Head of Democratic Services reported that in relation to the Motion to Council that was discussed at the last Youth Cabinet Meeting, she had met with group leaders and they have given permission to the Youth Cabinet to present a Motion at the March Council meeting. Julie Gallagher asked the Youth Members for their ideas on how they will progress this and advised that Democratic Services can help with writing the Motion and ensure that it has been legally and financially approved prior to the meeting.


Jen Mill advised Youth Members that she will be attending the Strategic Partnership Board to explain the Promise and Co-Production Kite Mark and as part of these conversations, will reiterate Circles of Influence to ensure that work is completed around the action plan and it is held at the Strategic Partnership Board and brought back regularly to Youth Cabinet to cross check the actions. 


In relation to an idea that was raised at the last Youth Cabinet meeting around having more education around elections, Julie Gallagher offered to develop a training programme for schools and colleges. Heather Walton advised that the Participation Team within the Youth Services already deliver some similar training. Jen Mills suggested that the Youth Cabinet could be a part of creating the training programme.


It was agreed:


  1. To base the Motion for Council on the data from the recent Circles of Influence Event and produce a survey to go out to schools around the biggest issues.
  2. To discuss further in the informal Youth Cabinet meetings.



Prestwich Regeneration


John Crellin, presented the Prestwich Regeneration plan to the Youth Cabinet.


In response to a question around two things that would draw young people into the town, John explained that there will be retail space, a food hall and space for young people to meet their friends, gather and play.


In response to a question around how many consultations there have been with young people, Becka explained that they had engaged with schools in Prestwich. The masterplan is flexible in terms of the events in the village square.


In response to a question around the plan being adult orientated, John explained that there will be a flexible community event space and the library can be used in different ways and will be open for use 7 days per week. They had engaged with a library specialist to ensure they were covering all basis within the plan.


In response to a question around the point of the entire plan and why Prestwich, Councillor Staples-Jones advised that all towns are going through some regeneration. In terms of Prestwich, they are making the space more useable, accessible and creating new buildings due to some being outdated. Councillor Thorpe advised that local councillors have been insistent that young people have been engaged with in the regeneration process and young people’s voices have been listened to in relation to issues, especially around environmental sustainability. This consultation is one of the biggest Bury has done and pupils in schools have provided their views.


In response to a question around more affordable housing, John reported that there is the potential for 200 new homes in phase 2 of the plans but the residential details are not as developed. There is the potential for town houses and apartments and there is an ambition to bring forward homes for all.


In response to a question around supporting the environment, John explained that different sustainable measures have gone into the masterplan including the demolition of buildings, setting benchmarks around low carbon buildings, ensuring that the fabric of the buildings are not losing energy, sustainable drainage, greenspaces on roofs, solar panel and a transport hub.


In response to questions around the library space, John explained that the ambition for the space is to have different uses such as youth clubs and it contains a kitchen.


It was agreed:


  1. Youth Members to feedback their views on how they would like to use the flexible spaces.



Circles of Influence


Adele Crowshaw reported that there is an event called the Circles of Safety event which will take part on 6th December 2023. There will be 5 circles which may be subject to change, as they are still awaiting feedback from young people. Adele Crowshaw and Lisa Davis invited young people to attend the day and confirmed the arrangements for the day. Lisa Davis reported that there will be and ice breaker activity, which will be human bingo and an ‘agree and disagree’ activity at the event.


It was agreed:


  1. To discuss further in the informal Youth Cabinet prior to the event.



Member of Youth Parliament Term


The Chair agreed to re-order the agenda.


Adele Crowshaw advised that currently, members of Youth Parliament and their deputies are elected for a period of 2 years and asked youth members to vote to see if they would like to continue with a 2-year term or reduce it to a 1-year term.


In response to a question raised around running for the election the following year if changed to a 1-year term, Heather Walton advised that you could run again in the election the year after, but you would have to be re-elected.


Heather Walton explained that the duties for a member of Youth Parliament will be regional and national, whereas the Youth Mayor’s duties are local.


It was agreed:


  1. That the term for a member of Youth Parliament should be reduced to a 1-year term.



The big debate - should the northern section of HS2 be scrapped


The Chair provided background information around the HS2 project.


All Youth Cabinet members took part in the debate.


It was agreed:


  1. That the northern section of the HS2 should have been scrapped.



Youth Parliament Elections


The formal meeting ended and all Youth Members who were interested in receiving more information around the Youth Parliament elections were asked to stay.