
Special Urgency Decisions - Thursday, 9th April, 2020 4.00 pm

Please let us know if you are planning to attend and have any access requirements or other needs which we need to take account of.

Venue: Video Conference Call

Contact: Julie Gallagher 

No. Item


Special Urgency Decision (Executive Functions) pdf icon PDF 140 KB

That in accordance with the Council Constitution’s Special Urgency procedure, the Chair of Scrutiny and the Group Leaders agreed that the decisions detailed above could not be reasonably be deferred.

·         Provider Support

·         Contractor relief

·         Fairways Lodge

·         Sexual Health contract

·         Council Investment


Additional documents:


Special Urgency (Council Functions) pdf icon PDF 127 KB

That in accordance with the Council Constitution Special Urgency procedure, the Chair of the relevant Council Committees and the Group Leaders agreed that the reports detailed above could not reasonably be deferred

Planning Control Committee Report



Special Urgency (Non-Key Decision) pdf icon PDF 200 KB

Support for the Voluntary Sector – non-key decision.


Notes from the meeting pdf icon PDF 54 KB