Agenda and draft minutes

Radcliffe Cabinet Committee - Thursday, 6th July, 2023 6.00 pm

Please let us know if you are planning to attend and have any access requirements or other needs which we need to take account of.

Venue: Microsoft Teams

Contact: Philippa Braithwaite  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies were received from Councillor Eamonn O’Brien and  Councillor Clare Cummins.


Declarations of Interest

Members of the Radcliffe Cabinet Committee are asked whether they have any interests on any item on the agenda and if so to formally declare that interest.


There were no declarations of interest.


Public Question Time

A period of 30 minutes has been set aside for members of the public to ask questions. Questions must be submitted in advance to no later than 5pm on Tuesday 4th July 2023.


There were no public questions.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 248 KB

Minutes from the meeting held on 6 February 2023 are attached.


It was agreed:


That the minutes of the meeting held on 6 February 2023 be approved as a correct record.


Radcliffe Regeneration Governance pdf icon PDF 409 KB

Joint report of the Executive Director of Place and Director of Law and Democratic Services attached.


The Committee received a joint report of the Director of Law and Democratic Services and the Executive Director of Place regarding the creation of a Ward Councillor forum with a wider, more strategic focus based on the Radcliffe Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF) which would replace this Cabinet Committee. This proposal had been developed through discussion with Ward Councillors and reflected their request for earlier insight into policy formation and the ongoing strategy for Radcliffe and its residents.


The Committee noted the expectations for the forum, as set out in the report, and in response to Members’ queries it was noted that the action note would capture when and where the meeting took place, who attended, and action points covering what was discussed. This would still serve to update those unable to attend as to what was covered. With regards to Cabinet Member attendance, this would be ad hoc when appropriate rather than standing membership.


It was agreed:


1.    That Radcliffe Cabinet Committee be concluded and Cabinet be recommended to formally stand the Committee down; and

2.    That Members note an informal Radcliffe Members’ Forum will be established to allow for casual Ward Councillor engagement.


Radcliffe Hub

Rob Summerfield, Assistant Director of Regeneration Delivery, to provide a verbal update.


The Committee received a verbal update from Rob Summerfield, Assistant Director of Regeneration Delivery, on the Radcliffe Hub development. The following points were made:


  • Design process is now complete and the full second stage tender offer from Vinci was due to be considered by Cabinet next week.
  • All occupants had now left and enabling works were underway to prepare the site for demolition (e.g. disconnecting services).
  • Hoardings were anticipated to be in place by the end of July; these would be blank at first in order to size the graphics. A project with local schools was taking place to design artwork reflecting children’s aspirations and feelings about Radcliffe. In response to a Member’s question, it was noted these would be digitalised and could be used for other events.
  • Plans were expected to be considered by planning committee on 25 July and were recommended for approval by planning officers.
  • Demolition was due to start in September, with ‘soft stripping’ between now and then (removal and responsible disposal of hazardous or recyclable materials from the building). This would continue until Spring 2024 after which construction would begin. Completion was expected by Autumn 2025.
  • Risks would always remain that construction would find something unexpected underground, but survey works had mitigated this risk as far as possible and no significant delays were expected to the overall programme.
  • Autumn 2025 was also the expected completion date for Market Chambers, but an operator would be in place well before that date. Officers were working with consultant Market Curators regarding identifying suitable operators, and this would be subject to consultation with stakeholders.
  • The four-way traffic lights related to the relocation of a gas main, and officers undertook to share target completion dates for this work outside the meeting.
  • With regards to wider SRF developments, Members noted that Green Street and School Street were going through the planning process with indicative completion dates of Autumn 2025 and Winter 2025 respectively.


It was agreed:


1.    That the update be noted; and

2.    Target completion dates for the relocation of a gas main be shared.


Radcliffe School

Paul Cooke, Strategic Lead (Education Services), to provide a verbal update.


The Committee received a verbal update from Paul Cooke, Strategic Lead (Education Services), on the development of the new Radcliffe School.


  • Bury Council are a key partner, but the DfE was the deliverer with Star Academy as sponsor.
  • The DfE have made a provisional contract award and designs were being developed. Pre-planning discussions were taking place with Council planning and highways officers, and detailed designs and works programme was expected in the next few weeks after which community engagement would take place including a Ward Councillor briefing.
  • The works were split into two planning applications – one for the substantive school build and one for modular accommodation to facilitate the 2024 intake.
  • Construction was anticipated to start in January 2024, with demolition for modular accommodation taking place from April 2024.
  • Completion of the modular accommodation was expected in August 2024 and substantive school completion in February 2025, after which the modular accommodation would be removed and the all-weather pitch and landscaping would take place and complete by Summer 2025.
  • Headteacher recruitment was taking place, after which Star Academy would engage with parents on the admissions process. It was noted admissions would be based on distance from next year (with no catchment areas), and although academies set their own admissions criteria, Star had indicated they would apply the Council’s.
  • Primary school leads had been brought together with Star, who were moving forwards with producing materials for reaching out and marketing the school to parents. It was noted the school would have an intake size of 150 per year (750 total) with potential to expand the site in the future if necessary. This was less than the current overall school places demand in Radcliffe, but modelling had been done and, as parental preference couldn’t be accounted for, the numbers were considered appropriate.
  • With regards to the PRU, it was noted there were challenges with the timescales. Planning permission had been granted to move the PRU to Spurr House in Unsworth but the tenderer’s projected timescales projected completion beyond March, the date the Spring Lane site needed to be vacated. Officers were working on addressing these timescales and the costings, and also on creating a for temporary PRU accommodation should this prove necessary. Members noted that a clearer understanding of the position was expected by the end of July. 


It was agreed:


That the update be noted.


Any other business


Radcliffe Market

Members highlighted some complaints regarding the market’s accounts not being up to date. Officers advised that the market was an arm’s length operator so acted independently of the Council, but officers were looking into the specific issues raised.