Venue: Microsoft Teams
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies Minutes: The Chair welcomed all to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Lynne Ridsdale, Eamonn O’Brien, Sophie Hargreaves and Sam Evans.
The meeting was declared quorate and commenced. |
Declarations of Interest PDF 431 KB Minutes: NHS GM has responsibilities in relation to declarations of interest as part of their governance arrangements (details of which can be found outlined in the NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Conflict of Interest Policy version 1.2).
NHS GM (Bury Locality) therefore, has a requirement to keep, maintain and make available a register of declarations of interest for all employees and for a number of boards and committees.
The Local Authority has statutory responsibilities detailed as part of Sections 29 to 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012. For other partners and providers, we understand that conflicts of interest are recorded locally and processed within their respective (employing) NHS and other organisations as part of their own governance and statutory arrangements too.
Taking into consideration the above, a register of Interests has been included detailing Declaration of Interests for the Locality Board.
In terms of agreed protocol, the Locality Board members should ensure that they declare any relevant interests as part of the Declaration of Interest Standing item on the meeting agenda or as soon as a potential conflict becomes apparent as part of meeting discussions.
The specific management action required as a result of a conflict of interest being declared will be determined by the Chair of the Locality Board with an accurate record of the action being taken captured as part of the meeting minutes.
There is a need for the Locality Board members to ensure that any changes to their existing conflicts of interest are notified to NHS GM (Bury Locality) Corporate Office within 28 days of a change occurring to ensure that the Declarations of Interest register can be updated.
Declarationsof interest from last meeting held on 5th June 2023 No declarations to note.
Declarations of interest from today’s meeting 3rd July 2023 None to declare other than what was detailed on the Declarations of Interest register submitted within the meeting pack.
Minutes of previous meeting held on 5 June 2023 PDF 353 KB Minutes: The minutes from the Locality Board meeting held on 5th June 2023 were considered as a true and accurate reflection of the meeting.
In regard to the outstanding actions, these were confirmed as closed for the Locality Board as they were both on today’s agenda.
The Locality Board Accepted the minutes from the previous meeting as a true and accurate reflection of the meeting and agreed the outstanding actions could be closed. |
Public Questions Minutes: There were no public questions received and one member of the public was present at the meeting.
The Locality Board Noted that there had been no public questions received and one member of the public was present at the meeting. |
Minutes: Will Blandamer introduced the item, noting that the issues raised in the paper were reflected in this meeting’s agenda. He highlighted the 6-monthly review meeting from DfE taking place on 19th July regarding safeguarding arrangements, and it was noted that the review team will be meeting with key partners to the multiagency partnership arrangements in the borough including the Safeguarding Executive, Education leads, police, Independent Chair of Safeguarding Board, and health partners.
The Locality Board Received the update. |
Operating model of Bury Integrated Care Partnership Minutes: Operating model of Bury Integrated Care Partnership Will Blandamer gave a presentation outlining the structures and architecture of the Bury Integrated Care Partnership, its ambitions, plans and ways of working, and detailed five areas of focus for the Locality Board: • The first thousand days of a child’s life; • Right sizing and scoping Intermediate Care Capacity and wider community capacity; • Sustainability of primary care provision; • Ensuring services are delivered efficiently; • Exploring opportunities to recruit and retain workforce capacity.
These areas reflected the priorities from the identified work programmes, and the Board noted their alignment with neighbourhood priorities, GM ICP missions, the quadruple aims and population health domains.
The Board discussed the presentation, noting that now a collective understanding of the context and priorities had been established, further work on timescales could take place. The Board noted their confidence that partners within the system could work together with these joint objectives, and further work on metrics and performance measures would quantify and measure outcomes. The challenging financial context was noted as was the role of primary care, and Board Members voiced their support of the objectives and thanked Will for the presentation.
The Locality Board Approved the report and agreed that the slides be circulated for wider dissemination. |
Draft response to GM ICB Joint Forward Plan PDF 401 KB Minutes: Mr Blandamer presented the draft response which had been circulated electronically and discussed outside the meeting. Warren Heppolette advised on the next steps, which included three principle areas of work for further development: • Refinement and selection of metrics and performance measures; • Development of a medium term strategic financial framework; • Delivery accountability (i.e. locally or across GM).
The Board noted that further iterations of the JFP were expected over the coming months, which would demonstrate outputs against the Carnell Farrer recommendations.
The Locality Board Noted the report. |
Chief Officer Update Report PDF 216 KB Minutes: Chief Officer’s Update Report Ms Wynne-Jones presented the item outlining progress made with the key programmes of work within the IDC. She advised that SROs were being brought together on 5 July to discuss priorities, facilitation of a single point of access across programmes, and reduction of duplication.
The Board noted the June programme highlights, including: • The successful End of Life and Palliative Care summit held on the 28th June with all key partners and stakeholders regarding the refresh of the strategy and delivery plan; • Improvement in performance trajectories in urgent and complex care; • The GP membership engagement session held last week to consider ways in which primary care could operate more efficiently; • A Workforce workshop was planned for the 6th July to agree priorities and work plans.
The Board discussed the risks noted in the report and, with regards to lack of adult ADHD and Autism service provision, it was noted that there was also an issue with CYP with large numbers of neurodevelopmental assessment request referrals for young people coming into CAMHS. It was noted that a paper was coming to the IDCB Partnership Board to manage pathways.
The Locality Board Noted the report. |
Population Health Board and Health Inequalities PDF 435 KB Minutes: Mr Hobday gave a presentation outlining the ongoing and future work in Bury to reduce health inequalities, including: • A comprehensive refresh of Bury’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment; • A position paper to frame the problem; • A range of projects and programmes organised under the four pillars of the Greater Manchester Population Health System Framework; • Identified metrics to report on progress.
The Board discussed the report, noting that partnership working was key to retain a focus on prevention and address wider determinants, with open dialogues to work through issues and ensure challenge was fed through the wider system.
The Locality Board Noted the report. |
Primary care blueprint Minutes: Mr Beesley gave a presentation on the GM Primary care blueprint engagement draft, outlining the nine key areas and detailing the main issues and importance of each. The Board noted the blueprint aligned with the Joint Forward Plan, and discussed the convention of residents approaching their GP for all health queries and the knock-on impact this had.
The Locality Board Noted the report. |
Primary Care Recovery and Transformation PDF 1 MB Minutes: Building from the previous item, Ms Alderson and Dr Patel gave a presentation on Primary Care recovery and transformation, including ambitions to reduce the number of people struggling to contact their practice and not ask patients to call back another day to book an appointment. The Board noted the four key commitments to Empower patients, Implement Modern General Practice, Build Capacity, and Cut Bureaucracy. Members noted the next steps and chosen actions, with phased implementation plans and monitoring of progress.
The Board discussed the report, noting that training from Young People was available with regards to effective communication with teenagers, and noted the ask to the wider system to support Primary Care colleagues in signposting patients to alternative and more appropriate services. The need for appropriate metrics and data was highlighted, to monitor and celebrate progress and maintain momentum.
The Locality Board Noted the report. |
Strategic Finance Group Update PDF 611 KB Minutes: Mr O’Hare presented a report on the challenging financial position, and advised that there was no additional funding expected as in previous years. SROs had been asked to highlight additional savings delivery and all partners were asked to highlight any further opportunities for efficiency savings.
The Board discussed the report, noting that clarity over priorities, architecture, and context put Bury in a strong position for partnership working and reduction of duplication, and it was noted that a survey on efficiency savings would be sent ahead of the next senate meeting and work was underway to quantify proposed efficiencies.
The Locality Board Noted the report. |
System Assurance Committee PDF 310 KB Minutes: Ms Jackson highlighted the closure of twenty-one beds at Burrswood; this was being managed locally, but the Board noted the risks around nursing beds.
The Locality Board Noted the report. |
Strategic Workforce PDF 198 KB Minutes: The paper was noted.
The Locality Board Noted the report. |
Population Health & Wellbeing PDF 257 KB Minutes: The minutes were noted.
The Locality Board Noted the minutes. |
Performance Framework PDF 740 KB Minutes: The paper was noted.
The Locality Board Noted the report. |
PCCC Chair's Highlight Report Minutes: No issues to highlight. |
Clinical & Professional Senate Minutes: It was noted that the Clinal and Professional Senate had not met this month. |
Any Other Business Minutes: There was no other business to report and the Chair formally closed the meeting in public at 18.05.
It was agreed that the next meeting in August be cancelled, in light of the Council’s recess period, and the next meeting take place in September as scheduled.
The Locality Board Noted that there was no other business to report and the meeting in public was closed at 18.05.