Agenda item

Better Care Fund

Report from the Executive Director of Adult Services is attached.



Stuart North Chief Operating Officer, CCG, Interim Director of Public Health, Lesley Jones and the Assistant Director of Commissioning and Procurement, Julie Gonda, gave a presentation providing an overview of the model for Bury’s Integrated Health and Social Care and Better Care Fund. An accompanying report had been submitted to the Board providing an overview which included information relating to:


·         Health and social care reform is part of a wider programme of Public Services Reform across Greater Manchester.

·         Work has been on-going to progress new models of delivery.

·         Integration of health and social care is complex and a medium to long term ambition.  The new model of delivery is still developing and will continue to evolve in the light of health reforms and neighbourhood initiatives.

·         Shared vision and commitment to person centred and coordinated care, empowering and enabling, emphasis on prevention access to services 7 days a week.

·         Better care fund - £3.8billion nationally - Local allocation £11.727m, £1billion directly is related to performance, which equates to £3m locally.

·         Main aims of the better care fund is to protect adult social care services, invest in new and re-shaped services which help integration and benefit both health and social care.


Questions were invited from those present at the meeting and the following points were raised:-


Dave Bevitt, B3SDA, commented that the Better Care Fund must be linked to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.


The Executive Director of Adult Services reported that a large amount of data analysis has been undertaken in relation to different patient pathways, integrated models of care and data intelligence to inform the better care fund submission.


In response to a question from the Executive Director of Children’s Services, the Chief Officer, CCG reported it will be necessary to reduce the demand at A&E by 15% over the next two years, this will require a change in emergency activity.


The Chair of the CCG reported that the CCG are looking at a number of measures to tackle the required reduction in funding and the requirement to reduce A&E attendance, these include short term measures as well as longer term preventative measures.


The Chief Officer of the CCG reported that the CCG’s are in the process of developing an ambitious five year plan.


The Chair reported that he wanted to ensure that the assurance and oversight of the better care fund and associated funding would remain with the Health and Wellbeing Board.


          Delegated decision:


·         That the Health and Wellbeing Board:

Sign off this first working draft of the Better Care Fund Plan to be submitted to NHS England 14 February 2014;

·         Delegate authority for the sign off of the final plan, to be submitted to NHS England 4 April 2014, to Chair of Health & Wellbeing Board, Executive Director of Adult Care Services and Chief Officer, Bury CCG.

·         The Health and Wellbeing Board continue to monitor the progress of the Better Care Fund.

·         That the Clinical Commissioning Group’ Five Year Strategy is brought to a future meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board.


Supporting documents: