Agenda item

Risk Registers 2019/20

A report from Lynne Ridsdale (Deputy Chief Executive) is attached.


Lisa Kitto presented a report from the Deputy Chief Executive  providing an updated corporate risk register and details how the Council is developing its approach to risk management as part of its wider review of governance.


At the last meeting of the Audit Committee meeting on 2 June 2020, at which Committee requested sight of the Council’s risk registers, a review of the approach, structure and content of the Corporate and directorate risk registers has taken place.


The Council had committed to integrating its approach to risk management with its partner the CCG, in order that the Council and One Commissioning Organisation (OCO) operate a common approach to the definition and risks to partnership delivery.


A new framework had been developed which was being managed through a shared system, Pentana.  The review found, however, that the Council’s approach to risk management was perhaps not mature enough to add value to a partnership approach and, further, a risk that the complexities of the new system has diluted the rigour of approach.


It is therefore proposed that the Council reverts to its own management of risk, but through a framework which is comparable to the CCG to enable read-across and a common assessment of shared risks to the work of the Strategic Commissioning Board. 


The new format corporate risk register was attached to the report and it was explained that this register is the first output in a wider review of all corporate, directorate and operational risk registers. In addition to the registers, the review will consider: awareness and understanding; training and development; monitoring and reporting. It is supported by a detailed timetable and action plan and will be fully integrated by December 2020.


The Committee’s views were welcomed.


·         Councillor Vernon referred to risk no. 5 ‘Council implicated in the death or serious injury of a child or vulnerable adult’ and asked whether this was in relation to something ongoing currently.



It was confirmed that the register did not reflect anything ongoing currently but was a reflection of the Covid situation.  It was explained that the risk register looked at things that could happen. An issues register looks at things that have happened. The risk register was also a way of prompting the debate.


·         Councillor Vernon referred to the risk relating to GDPR and asked whether there had been any incidences of data breach.


It was explained that this was more a reflection of the current situation with larger number of colleagues working from home the council had to ensure that GDPR processes were in place and relevant.


·         Councillor Whitby referred to the new format of the register and stated that she found it more user friendly and accessible.


Delegated decisions:


1.   That the Audit Committee note the format of the corporate risk register;


2.   That the Audit Committee note the further work to develop an integrated approach to risk register and issues management;


3.    That the Audit Committee endorse the action plan for improving the Council’s risk maturity level;


4.   That the Audit Committee receives regular progress updates in relation to the Risk Register.




Supporting documents: