Agenda item


A report from the Executive Director (Operations) is attached


The Executive Director (Operations) submitted a report relating to the review of decisions taken by the Council to the Hackney Carriage / Private hire Trade during the COVID 19 Pandemic.


It was explained that as a result of the COVID 19 Pandemic lockdown a number of practical matters were required to be adjusted to ensure safe working practices for clients of the licensed hackney carriage and private hire trade as well as for officers of the licensing service.


The decisions required are council matters that should be approved by council decision which is delegated to Licensing and Safety Panel. The scheduled meeting was 24th July 2020 and these matters were required to be implemented urgently to enable driver and vehicle licences due for renewal not to lapse.


In light of this an urgent report was considered by the Council Emergency Powers group on the 14th July 2020


The licensing Service requested the authorisation for the following matters:-


·           To postpone the receipt of new applications for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Drivers for a period of three months until the 30th September 2020.

This was requested as new applicant driver’s would not be able to satisfy the Council’s pre-requisites before applying for a licence  as a result of partner agencies taking decisions to the suspend their services as a result of Covid 19 this included providers of taxi driving tests, safeguarding training, and communications tests

To suspend the requirement for medical examinations for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver’s renewal applications until the 30th September 2020.

Drivers are required to produce medical certificates that prove that they meet the DVSA Group 2 Medical Fitness to drive. Drivers were experiencing difficulty getting medical appointments due to Doctors amending their working practices following the COVID19 pandemic. The Licensing Service currently require drivers to self-certify medical fitness and submit to medical examinations as required by the licensing authority once such appointments become easily available.

·           To issue a twelve month hackney carriage and private hire badge driver licence provided that all the requirements to hold the badge have been satisfied.

This was done following the request to provide some financial assistance to drivers, the reduced length could therefore attract a reduced charge and only costs £60 instead of £180 which is the cost for a 3 year licence.

·           To suspend the provision of the required Private Hire & Hackney Carriage knowledge test for new applications until further notice due to the Covid 19 pandemic.

The reason for this is due to the   following of guidelines on safe working practices which affect licensing staff. In addition the need to implement social distancing measures for drivers attending for the test and reducing the transmission of Covid 19. The provision of individual tests for drivers is not viable.


On the 24th July 2020, an additional report was considered by members in relation to these matters and members resolved to note the report and work of the licensing service.


The Licensing Officer explained that the Licensing and Safety Panel were now required to review the arrangements previously agreed.


Delegated decision:


The Panel approve that current arrangements as set out below continue:


·         To postpone the Knowledge test until further notice

·         To grant a Hackney Carriage/Private hire Drivers Badges for a 12 month period rather than up to 3 years under the legislation

·         To permit a self-certification declarations in respect of medicals

To postpone the receipt of new applications for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Drivers badges

Supporting documents: